View Full Version : i posted this on panic but think some one on here might no

10-01-13, 20:19
am i being silly is this anxiety should i panic
hi i am haveing a really bad time of it last few days i have felt cold like top of my legs feel weired like cold tingly amd sore same with the top of my arms i am panicking the more i think about it the more aware of it and that adds more panick i am shaking with fear what is this stupid feeling i am haveing i know i have it a few times before and like i said the more aware of it i am the more scared of it god it sounds so ceazy but its hard to put into words does any one else feel like this the other sad thing is i see my 2yr old grandson on thursdays and all i couls do was sit and think about how i was feeling and panicky take care all trish


10-01-13, 22:53
It just sounds like an odd sensation?
Did you get enough to eat and drink today? Might be diet related if you are low on any vitamins.
Or just plain old stress and anxiety.
I know it feels awful but it's just a sensation it can't actually harm you :)

I get tingling, icy cold or hot sensations on random body parts all the time.
When it first used to happen I would get very scared, I remember once I had one red hot hand and one really cold hand! I guess panicking didn't help much hehe.

The tops of the legs and arms tend to naturally be slightly colder, maybe the room your are in is cold or there's a slight draft somewhere.

It really doesn't sound like anything to worry about and I do think you'll be fine, just you're stressed out and maybe more sensitive or aware of little sensations more so than usual.

11-01-13, 09:17
thanks for yr reply yr prob right as later on when i was not thinking about it i was ok the more i thought about it the worse it felt you never no what this anxoiety is going to throw at you next take care and thanks again trish