View Full Version : Tiredness & dizzy

10-01-13, 20:38

After getting over PTSD over 6 years ago through CBT I'm now only left with health anxiety now and again.

For the last 2 years and it seems the same time every year (twice around October and January) I start getting waves of extreme tiredness. I can be struggling to stay awake at my desk working during the day. I do get a good 7-8 hours a night sleep. I'll also get dizziness it started of first with me walking and stopping and my body feel like it carries on walking. But since October I started feeling dizzy and unbalanced. The doctor said that he feels it labyrinthitis. I spend the first month panicking about it really setting off my health anxiety. (Brain tumour was the vicious thought)

Mixed with tiredness it is really hard to tackle the negative thoughts into positive and I could feel myself getting lost with in myself. My head just felt like it was full with cotton wool stuck in and really hard to concentrate and being forgetful. Next was the jelly/rubber legs feeling.

Back comes the reassurance seeking and I do feel sorry for our other halves and family.

Well now January and still the symptoms, I do get tired fighting my thoughts. I've starting my fitness and meditation again and it does help. Just seems in the colder months when I stop excercise I get anxiety again it feels like I must not stop excercising otherwise I don't burn off enough adrainlene and anxiety.

This week has been extreme tiredness and dizzy and rubber legs, my thoughts are more quite but in my the back of my mind I still think I have something serious wrong with me.

It's so easy to help other people and give advice with breaking the vicious circle of thoughts but when applying it to yourself and taking you own advice it's so much harder to convince yourself.

I definitely fed up the tiredness I get around this time of year and it does scare me. I do think I have some form of CFS.

If of your guys suffer the same I would love to hear from you.


10-01-13, 21:03
Hi I have had health anxiety for a few months now and feel constantly dizzy and tired, strangely I find I feel less tired keeping myself busy and get up at 6am and work, exercise etc. I went through a period when I tried to relax it out, eg. sleeping loads and not doing much but that made it much worse

10-01-13, 21:12
hi i could have just written this post myself! im sorry your suffering. i have the exact same at the moment and im totally freaking out about it. i sleep so much but am still so tired. i get so weak that my arms and legs feel heavy and useless and my hands to. i feel like i cant even speak its horrible and so scary. i dont know how i can be so tired with so much sleep. also i am feeling so confused and muddling up words etc, is this the same as you? nasty stuff isnt it x