View Full Version : Are you ever happy!!!!!!

30-08-06, 02:25
Hi Everyone,

I was wondering if any of you can say that you ever feel happy. With my anxiety I always feel so stressed that I don't think I can say that I ever feel happy.

Certain things that would have made me laugh before this anxiety started no longer make me laugh, and I can't remember the last time I did something without worrying about it. and I can't remember the last time I really laughed at something or got excited about something.

I want to try and start looking after myself a bit better to see if it will make me feel less anxious, but when I think about exercising or anything, I get so worried in case I have something wrong with me that exercise would make worse.

when I watch a TV program and see people who are in my age group, doing things without thinking about it, I always wish that i could be like that again. I feel like I am old before my time.

Its as though I spend all day every day worrying or feeling ill with one symptom or another, I know that boredom can make us feel worse, but I don't feel like I have the energy to do anything half the time.

My daughters start back school next week, and I am dreading having to get up and out in the mornings because for 6 weeks I have'nt been out of the house before dinnertime, if at all.

I want to get rid of this anxiety, but I don't feel as if I have the energy to, because everytime i think it has gone, it comes back again.

Does anyone else feel a bit like this.

Sorry for going on.

Take Care


30-08-06, 02:43
Its extremely exausting isnt it. I seem to have a self destruct button. I can just start getting happy & i go and blow it. Relationships are the worst, i meet someone really lovely & then just when its going good, the anxiety sets in & i loose trust in them & push them away.
Ive done it with 2 different people & its sad because ive got kids too so they suffer for it.
Anxiety sucks!
C xx

Pete to win Big Brother 7

30-08-06, 04:45
Hi sara
I used to feel exactly like you but lately I feel great so obviously it does get better.
I didn't laugh for ages but now i'm back to doing it without even realising

Don't believe everything you think.

30-08-06, 07:30
when I watch a TV program and see people who are in my age group, doing things without thinking about it, I always wish that i could be like that again. I feel like I am old before my time.

I totaly agree with your statement (as above), it also effects me like that!

30-08-06, 09:22
When i read your post i though"that couldve been me writing that"

Totally identify with all that you say.My children are back at school and im on my own all day
Its exhausting isnt it?

Hunny x

polly daydream
30-08-06, 09:38
Hi Sara, I can totally relate to what you are saying, I too haven't really felt excited about anything and I don't laugh like I used to, I feel that my personality has changed. Try to do some form of exercise as it is very good for you and may help your anxiety, even if you start by doing some indoors, at least then if you panick you are at home.

Take care,


30-08-06, 15:19
hiya i to felt as if that was wrote by me as i have felt like this for so long dont no if i could ever change it so depressing not being able to find things that make you laugh wish i could as if some one does somthing that as much as makes me smile you can feel a diffrent sensetion inside just for that slit second they say that laughing is good therapy we all hould beable to get some laughing gas on perscription dont you think well i hope that as least made you smile bye for now trish xx

30-08-06, 15:37
everything you have just said feels the way i feel everyday

i go out with my kids bur everything i do is tinged with fear. i am afraid to exercise in case i die. i am afraid to enjoy a drink in case i die

even the happiest moments are laced with fear and i am never truly at peace

you are not alone and i feel everything you feel


30-08-06, 16:02
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">

when I watch a TV program and see people who are in my age group, doing things without thinking about it, I always wish that i could be like that again.
<div align="right">Originally posted by saranadine - 30 August 2006 : 03:25:04</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

I get this more when I see people for real. I am now middle aged and rue the youth that I missed. I was out on Monday and saw a Brazillain troupe, and they had so much energy vitality and personality. I never had that, and now that I'm older it does hurt a bit.

But even though I a seem to be stressed all the time, I can still laugh in the company others. And very occassionally, I can laugh spontaneously at something I might see on the web, maybe on this forum! It's not so easy to do so on your own.

Last week on the radio, they had someone on talking about laughter therapy. They explained that the very action of laughter can do you no end of good. So try that, even if there's no trigger to make you laugh.

Do you get out in company at all?

Take Care,



And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance.
~Mark Sanders and Tia Sillers

01-09-06, 00:27
Hi Sara,
Like everyone else that has replied, I know exactly what you mean. I'm only 18 and it seems as though the days when I used to laugh and be spontaneous are from another lifetime. But i've felt the best thing to do is count your blessings, yes you are restricted with the things you do and it's exhausting but look at the things you have and the people you have around you. Try and appreciate the smaller things in life, I think everyone has a tendancy to overanalyse and that can be our downfall.
Hope I could help x

01-09-06, 07:24
Hi Sara

im the same aswell, i really want to be care free and happy again like most of my friends, when i go any where for holidays i worry incase there is no dr and that something bad will happen, when i actually get there though im fine and being away usually helps for a bit.

i want to start the gym also, but when i went a few months ago they wanted to check me out, ie pulse, blood pressure and the sheer thought of these being up,makes me not want to go, how sad is that????

ive got 2 at school and a toddler at home, and i can honestly say the kids are doing my head in and cant wait for them to be back at school.

in answer to your question, i am actualy happy most of the time, when i have a real bad patch that lasts about a amonth or so, its complete panic all the time, but now for instance im happy until i remember about the certain symptom that i have that day, at the moment i think ive got a alump in my neck, but prior to this it was a neck/head ache i had that for about 3 weeks, but as soon as i started worrying bout the lump the neck ache miraculasly went away, just proves its in the mind but how do we stop it thats the question,

i have been refered for counilling and i cant wait for it, i know that it might not work but i will try anything to be rid of this.

i know it sounds really sad, but ive been thinking about xmas alot lately and that makes me happy, coz im still a big kid really xx

leanne xxx:D

i just wanna feel normal

01-09-06, 18:39
Hi there, a very interesting point you have brought up, I have 'suffered' for many years, but mostly even after lots of tears/distress etc...the only thing i believe i have kept is my sense of humour, albeit a bit sick at times? Everyone gets down at times, and of course anxiety makes things a million times worse, but honestly i have always said when i lose my sense of humour than thats it! I get many down times, when i can't get to do what i want etc.... but i, along with many others here, have survived many years of this and wasted many too!!!! Once the kids are settled back at school, take time to look after yourself during the day (if poss) lots of things you like to do, watching t.v. cooking nice munchies,nice long soaks in the bath, bit of gardening ready for winter, anything that may relax and occupy you. take care mate and do keep in touch. xx

01-09-06, 22:09
I feel the same, I have 3 kids and ive hardly been out lately. When I look at other people my age I dream of being like them, care free & not worrying about their health.

01-09-06, 23:04
Hi again,

I am glad that I bought this topic up now, because it has helped me to realise that how I am feeling is normal, and I hope it has made you feel that way too.

I am dreading taking the kids back to school next week, as for the last 6 weeks I have been able to get up, and not go out until I really had to or felt like doing. But next week is going to be a complete change in my routine again, I feel really anxious sometimes when I am tired, and I find it hard to have to get up and go out almost straightaway, I have tried in the past to get up earlier, to have a couple of drinks,(tea or coffee) and give me chance to wake up, but I find it really hard to get up in the morning because I can't get to sleep at night.

My children have even had days off from school before because I felt as though I could'nt leave the house to take them, and I had to go in and see the head teacher, i did'nt tell her about my anxiety or anything, but I want to try and make sure that my children have better attendance at school from now on because its not fair on them.

As for when I said that I feel old before my time because people my age seem to do things without thinking about it started when I was watching things like big brother and love Island, and you see them running around like mad Jumping in swimming pools and stuff, not that I want to go jumping in any swimming pools or anything, I just wish i had that carefree attitude that so many people seem to have , but what I seem to have lost.

Anyway, I want to say thanks to all that replied, with people like you to "speak" to, maybe I will beat this anxiety one day!!!

Take Care

xx :D

02-09-06, 11:33
I find calmness and contentedness then happiness in natural things like sunsets, clouds, looking beyond the stresses of life.

happiness comes from within and once you can accept what is happening to your body then all these feelings will follow.

PS it has taken me 9 yrs to achieve this!!!

........life is for living not just for surviving

02-09-06, 17:06
Hi Sara, I can truly understand how you must be feeling about the kids going back to school, as you have said, get up a little earlier, no good jumping up and rushing about! Have a little toast and some juice? If you haven't slept the night before, maybe rest for an hour whilst the kids are at school, set an alarm in case you drop off. If i we you, i would let the headteacher/secretary know that you have a slight problem, people can be very undertanding at times, you won't have to tell the world, but they would possibly understand if things were running late etc.... explain how things are. Are there any other parents you could use as back-up? If so, maybe they could drop your kids off/pick them up, and then on others occasions you either return the favour, or have them all for tea? Please do not be ashamed of how you are, it is a real problem and you can and will get through this. sorry to have gone on yet again. xxxxxjean