View Full Version : Fretting constantly - lower right abdo pain + others!!

10-01-13, 21:05

I haven't posted here for a long time but I am drawn back as my health anxiety is exhausting me and just spoiling every day life.

I go from worrying about one thing to another.

Currently it's this - late Nov I noticed a bruisey type pain which felt as though it could be from my ovary. It goes from my hip down.

I Googled and amount the scary things was a strain to the hip flexor muscle - this reminded me that about the time I noticed the pain I slipped down the last few stairs - not badly just scared me and nothing hurt at the time.

It said a hip flexor injury would hurt more when you draw your knee up and indeed it is much sorer into my hip when I do that (in contrast the other side is pain free).

I saw my GP and insisted she do a CA125 (cancer marker) blood test which came back normal.

Over Christmas the pain seemed better, I was noticing it less often. It hurts more when I move and only if I dwell on it when stationary.

Now it's hurting more again!! I have been referred for an ultrasound but am frantic worrying.

Also, I have had two incidences of pain between my shoulder blades.

Now following the removal of my gallbladder (in 2010) I get what can only be described as "phantom gallbladder pain" in my right side, it feels like a gallbladder niggle used to but of course I don't have one.

Today I had the niggle and then it went into my back - I was very hungry (am overweight and currently dieting) but began to feel nauseas (I have a dear of vomiting) so refused my dinner.

I had an antacid and my husband persuaded me to eat and the pain has now gone off - what could this be? I am thinking its all kinds of sinister things.

I wish I could just live in the present and enjoy my life instead of worrying about all the what ifs....

BTW I'm 40.