View Full Version : HIV Phobia

10-01-13, 22:34
I have severe HIV phobia. Like today I slapped my hand against a subway station pole and I automatically thought I have contracted HIV somehow. Somehow it cut me and I thought it was the end for me.

Am I going to be okay?

How do I get over thinking any little thing will give me hIV?

Mr Brownstone
12-01-13, 10:44
I have severe HIV phobia. Like today I slapped my hand against a subway station pole and I automatically thought I have contracted HIV somehow. Somehow it cut me and I thought it was the end for me.

Am I going to be okay?

How do I get over thinking any little thing will give me hIV?

Sorry to be blunt, but reading up on the facts would help. The scenario you have given is ludicrous, and would never give anyone HIV ever.

02-06-13, 10:27
hi tastee

i actually have a phobia of hiv aswell and it freaks me out:ohmy:im scared to touch things or people and i cnat handle it.. i keep going to get tested and im even afraid that the food i eat or utensils have hiv on them,i wash my hands like crazy and if dust flies in my mouth i sctualy rinse continuously

did you get over your phobia???:huh: I REALLY NEED TO GET OVER MINE

03-06-13, 22:23
I used to have a really bad phobia of this but it has passed my worse situation was when I was a hair dresser and one of the customers aske for a cup of coffee I made him it and in passing the girl cutting his hair told me e had HIV I went in to a state of panic and I felt dizzy and when he finished I refused to touch the cup and "accidentally" knocked it off so it would smash so I could throw it away! Nowadays my phobia has passed but I do still worry if I see blood on things!

05-06-13, 10:24
why is this a forum if no one ever replies?????????????:mad:

05-06-13, 14:09
I went a bit mad one night and deleted everything I ever posted. But the one on this post should probably have stayed as it basically said that HIV phobia is (with respect - I mean this of the fear not of people with the phobia) completely pointless.
I speak as someone who has worked with HIV virus directly in a lab for 2 months and come out fine. The ONLY way to catch HIV is intercourse with an infected person, or direct and pretty immediate blood-blood contact.
That is it.
And even then it takes on average EIGHT exposures to the virus.
You CANNOT get it from being around an infected person.
You CANNOT get it from dust.
You CANNOT get it from food or drink.
You CANNOT get it from a blood stain on a surface, unless it is incredibly fresh and you rub an open wound in it for an extended period of time. HIV cannot survive in the environment.
This is not an opinion, this is biology, and if the fear does not go away after reading this, then read it again every day until it sinks in to whatever part of the brain is controlling this fear.

10-06-13, 12:26
pavo I found this very helpful. ,my boyfriend works in a lab and this even makes me mre anxious. how does anyone get over this

02-07-13, 06:08
Thanks Pavo. I work in a lab too not with HIV but I am a biologist specialising in micro and immuno which is why my phobia of HIV is not only pointless but embarrassing. Ur words help snap me back into reality and shut that little voice up in my head that always saying "but what it..." Even if only for a little while.

25-07-13, 23:42
I had a HIV phobia for about 18 months as my friend lived with someone with HIV x I would not even touch my friend as I thought he had it to x my friend told the person who had HIV why I would not go to his house and he called me up and explained to me how it is very very hard to catch it x HIV is hard to catch even if there is blood on the side the HIV virus dies in seconds you need a massive open cut and more then just a drop of blood x even then there is a slim chance of getting it x I would not even go for blood tests as I was scared if they found it x but since speaking to my friends flat mate I'm a lot more at ease about the whole thing x

26-07-13, 07:47
You should be okay from the cut on your hand, but a phobia like this one should not be taken lightly. I would for sure consult a doctor.

25-08-13, 20:38
I would not mock or downplay the stress, anxiety and distress that any phobia can cause to anyone, no matter how strange or irrational it can appear to anyone else.

But, going-through a serious ACTUAL HIV scare, with symptoms and not yet conclusive tests - now, believe me, that is truly a nightmare.

19-10-13, 15:52
A few months found out that one of my close friends is HIV positive, he was given it by his mother when he was born. I've spent a lot of time with him, shared food/drinks, hugs ect and I thought I should get tested just in case - but I don't have it. So I guess it must be pretty hard to get from casual contact

23-10-13, 11:47

I used to have this phobia but not anymore, just accept the fact that there are myths around it .. But there are facts saying: No it is only contracted through unprotected sexual intercourse, mother to child (they found a way in which an infected mother doesnt pass it to her baby) and through needles, and no touching anything doesnt make you contract it. In fact when you kiss someone even if he had HIV you are not likely to get it because HIV is a very fragile virus, it dies in the air in nanoseconds and your saliva kills it too, moreover you have nothing to fear at all, people with hiv are living n couples and having sexual life without infecting their partner, I have an hiv positive friend and he sleeps at my place and we share food.. Just accept the fact it is unlikely to happen and all will be fine! People infected with hiv can live long lives now... Thanks to advanced pills... Chill and have a nice day

15-12-13, 12:11
Sorry for bumping this up, 2 months ago, had sexual intercourse with a prostitute with protection at all times. Regret that experience and had 2 tests done, both negative and doctor even told me to just move on.

However, I still have the lingering doubts in my mind and it doesn't help that I felt a bit feverish today. Now, I'm contemplating getting a 3rd HIV test in a week and a half.

Believe me, this is scaring the hell out of me even though I have 2 negative tests and I don't know what to do. I don't know how to function and I don't even feel like leaving the house. I'm lucky that my family is supportive because when I had this initial fear, I broke down and confided in my sister and parents who didn't chide me for doing such a thing but tried to put my fears at ease.

My fears are probably irrational and I've read all the ways about how HIV is transmitted and know it's quite hard but I'm still afraid and I'll probably be one of those who gets an HIV test every week even though it's going to be negative. I really don't know what to do.

17-02-14, 21:50
I used to have a fear of contracting HIV from disposing of my old sanitary towels in the special bins provided as I often had bleeding cuts on my fingers as I used to bite them ALOT. Crazy huh?! No I am still here and 4 HIV tests later all is good. HIV is exceedingly hard to catch. It is a really weak virus once exposed to the air. Honestly you will be fine.

---------- Post added at 21:50 ---------- Previous post was at 21:45 ----------

Con43 it is more likely for the female to contract the virus in a hetrosexual relationship with an HIV positive man than it is the other way round It has to enter the blood stream through blood, via blood or bodily fluids. You used a condom you will be fine!

02-09-14, 19:21
I have severe HIV phobia. Like today I slapped my hand against a subway station pole and I automatically thought I have contracted HIV somehow. Somehow it cut me and I thought it was the end for me.

Am I going to be okay?

How do I get over thinking any little thing will give me hIV?

You simply cannot get HIV from this incidence my friend. Risk of infection includes unprotected sex with a infected person and contaminated blood transfusion from someone who is HIV positive :winks: