View Full Version : Smokers

11-01-13, 00:33
Any smokers with ha

11-01-13, 03:17
That's me! Been smoking around 10-15 years

11-01-13, 08:54
I gave up 7 mths ago with an e-cig as it was making my HA worse.

I still miss it.

11-01-13, 09:41
Hi. I am 42 and a smoker for 24 years on and off. Currently going through a lung cancer scare. Have had a clears xray and bloods but still petrified. Only symptom really is chest, back and rib pain. Drs are not at all concerned as I am not coughing, having trouble breathing, losing weight etc. I am quitting once this 'episode' is over as I can't quit in the midst of all this stress and anxiety.

I know if I quit I will worry less about illnesses, especially lung cancer as this is the second 'scare' I have had in 3 months.



11-01-13, 10:54
Hi Andrea, I too have the chest, shoulder and back pain and Lung Cancer is a big fear of mine along with Heart Attack. Also I have no other symptoms but that doesnt stop me worrying.

11-01-13, 11:26
Kerri, I have pm'd you. Just read through your posts and see you have been to A & E. What happened about your blood results? Have you had an xray at all?

Andrea x

11-01-13, 11:35
I am too a smoker, its funny how we all worry about our health and continue to do something that potentially will harm our health!

11-01-13, 11:51
I am too a smoker, its funny how we all worry about our health and continue to do something that potentially will harm our health!

Yes that how I feel tred to quit but makes me more anxious!

11-01-13, 11:53
Yes that how I feel tred to quit but makes me more anxious!

Yeah me too! crazy arent we ha!

11-01-13, 11:54
Me too. I can't quit when I'm in the middle of this. That's a pretty lame excuse really. It's especially pathetic when lung cancer is the topic of my HA this time around. We are fools to ourselves!

Fred Speed
11-01-13, 14:00
I am 32 and used to smoke but have been pretty much quit for a year - i.e. I haven't smoked habitually for a year but have had the odd one whilst sociatlising etc.

Anyway I think my HA is better for quitting so if you can then do so although I also know its very tough.

Funnily enough I have been to the doctors this morning as I was also worried that I may have lung cancer. Had a bit of a cough and chest pain. This it turns out is just a virus and the doc wasn't concerned at all so once again I am a happy chappy :o)

The thing that I think started this particular bout of HA is that horrid advert :scared15:

11-01-13, 18:02
It is a particularly horrible ad and I think it probably contributed to my current 'episode' too. I will quit when Im less stressed I promise

Andrea x

12-01-13, 00:18
E-cigs are amazing, I would highly recommend them. I didn't want a ciggerette after a week of using the e-cig as they're so good and taste much nicer too.

12-01-13, 01:32
I tried e-cigs, as I wish to give up mostly for my health sake, smoking helps calm my nerves & irrational moods, so I'm up for trying 'alternatives'.

But I did'nt like e-cigs (i wont mention specific brand) as IMO they're too heavy to hold without support between lips & just holding between fingers between puffs felt heavy & so very restrictive, unlike a normal cigarette which is featherweight in comparison.

Hopefully, the people who manufacture these e-cigs will come up with a lightweight version, & maybe even a 'squashy paper' feel to them also, I think then it would be a huge boost towards more people taking this alternative sort of 'smoking' seriously IMO.

12-01-13, 02:46
i gave it up 17 ,years ago -acupuncture. i did not ever want a cig once i started the course and was going through a lot of 'stuff ' at the same time [thought it was all my own fault & i was stupid etc]. I didn't get bad moods , cravings or anything it was great and i would recommend this method to anyone... I had tried a few times before , but was not able to give it up -then i was eventually determined to do it and am so glad i did. :yahoo:I would recommend this method to anyone... good luck

12-01-13, 02:52
I had to quit in fear of my lung collapsing again, and reading Alan Carr's THE EASY WAY TO STOP SMOKING honestly works wonders.. It teaches you ways of thinking about how we are brainwashed to think we NEED a cigarette and it's calming or relaxing us. When in fact it is doing the opposite.. Give it a read, you have nothing to lose and so much to gain. Goodluck

12-01-13, 14:13
i smoke!
was on ave 15-20 a day but since the anxiety has gone sky high im prob more 30 a day now....i gave up whilst pregnant and really struggled....i smoke to relax me which isnt a good thing i guess as i have allergic rhinitis which i think is worse when im smoking....

13-01-13, 02:23
Does anyone else feel they enjoy a cigarette more-so after having a cold & or whilst the symptons of a cold or flu are clearing up ?

Similarly, I can always tell when I'm 'in for a cold' or in for a dose of 'man flu' up to 5 days before the bug fully 'hits me' as I wont be able to obtain the full taste of the normal medium strength cigarettes I smoke.