View Full Version : Is this the Meds Confused:(

11-01-13, 07:36
Hi Guys

Well yesterday was ok, minimum anxiety until last night went to bed and managed to overcome it and get 8 hours sleep. I have woke this morning to anxiety and panic feel like I have gone back to last week it's SO upsetting:(

Could this be an increase in my meds? I am on day 4.

Your thoughts and experiences would be must appreciated right now.

Jackie xx

11-01-13, 08:26
Hi Jackie,

Some meds can increase anxiety when you first start taking them and after dose increases. The meds that do this are the SSRIs including prozac and citalopram. It's actually a sign they are working as expected and will eventually work well for you.

Your doctor may be able to give you some medication or techniques to get through the next couple of weeks, but if there's any way you can stick it out, it will be worthwhile to get the benefits of these meds which sound like they are going to work for you.

11-01-13, 09:16
Hi there

Thanks for your reply and kind words:)

I have been on 20mg of Cit for 5 years so thought this 10mg increase would not really affect me symptom wise, just want to feel better.

Jackie x

11-01-13, 21:27
Readings many people's stories over the past few months and from my experience, we all suffer worse in the mornings rather than the afternoons and myself can wake up with anxiety symptoms after five minutes of being awake like my brain knows what to concentrate on.