View Full Version : Menegitis

11-01-13, 08:07
Does anyone ever worry about having Menegitis? I dnt feel good and my neck hurts and of course thats the first thing i think of.

11-01-13, 09:33
NMP members are not qualified to give medical advice. If you are concerned about meningitis, you should seek medical advice from a doctor immediately. This is particularly the case if you have headache or fever.

11-01-13, 09:37
i have neither a headache or fever. i didnt want medical advice. merely wondered if anyone ever had that same worry.

11-01-13, 12:37
The problem with meningitis is that untreated it can be deadly within hours. If you think you might have meningitis, you should seek medical help immediately, not an online forum. Sorry if this sounds blunt, but it may save your life - meningitis is classified as a medical emergency.

11-01-13, 13:11
i dnt think i do. its merely an instrusive thought. i have health anxiety. so i always think the worst. i dnt feel good so i automatically think menegitis.

12-01-13, 08:11
Hi Anney,

Sorry if I sounded a bit harsh, but I recently had a friend of a friend of mine die because he put off going to see the doctor about a chest infection until it was too late, and turned into pneumonia.

But he didn't have health anxiety - probably some kind of reverse that blocks out worrying thoughts about health, even when they are quite legitimate.

From what you've said above, it seems you know that there's a rational part of your brain that says there's probably nothing wrong, but an intrusive thought part that's linked to a "What if?" scenario, combined with intense anxiety. Today it may be meningitis, but if a doctor convinces you that is not the case, the intrusive thoughts will simply switch to some other illness.

Have yourself checked for any illnesses that may be worrying you, but also seek treatment for health anxiety if you think that is the cause.

Mr Brownstone
12-01-13, 10:41
The problem with meningitis is that untreated it can be deadly within hours. If you think you might have meningitis, you should seek medical help immediately, not an online forum. Sorry if this sounds blunt, but it may save your life - meningitis is classified as a medical emergency.

Agree with this. If you even remotely think you have meningitis, you need to go to the hospital immediately. If you are posting on a forum, asking whether others feel like this, then you dont think you have meningitis, and its probably not an issue.

Either way, if you are reading this 24 hours later, there a fair certainty thats not what you've got.

12-01-13, 14:20
God yessssss
since that daft advert came on tv??? with the 'i only have one min' no rash just stiff neck etc etc
chheeeerrrrs :(
ive had a stiff next for bout a week now and even though its prob tension as ive been a bit under the weather the thought crossed my mind a few times....