View Full Version : Just started Prozac - help

11-01-13, 09:11
Hi there,

I have just started taking Prozac (on day 8 now) and really suffering with anxiety still. I was prescribed it to help with my panic attacks and insomnia but the insomnia is really bad still. As soon as I lie down my heart starts pounding away and I feel terrible. The heart pounding lasts most of the night and keeps me awake. I'm so scared, I don't feel myself anymore and my husband is being brilliant but this can't be easy for him. I'm not functioning very well and lost my appetite etc. To make things even more worrying I'm 6 months pregnant and just want to get back to normal as soon as possible for the baby. Really feel like I'm losing my mind. I've been having very black thoughts too. I understand you can feel worse before you feel better on this medication.

I suffered panic attacks/depression in my twenties but always felt improvement as soon as I started medication and believe it or not I generally cope very well in life. I usually sleep 8 hours solid and don't understand why this is suddenly hitting me now, just when I need to be strong. I just want to feel normal again and be back to my usual self. I'm really worried something has gone horribly wrong with my brain and I'm going to end up in an asylum.

I suppose I just wanted some reassurance from people's experience with Prozac and that it does get better. I've had checks (ECG etc) on my heart and that's all fine so the palpitations must be down to anxiety. Please can anyone reassure me that things will improve?


11-01-13, 10:20
Hi Sarah. I'm sorry you're having such a hard time especially as its affecting your sleep as well. I know it can take time for meds to work - I take prozac as well and it helps me alot so hopefully soon you will feel the benefits working. I guess at only day 8 you have a bit to go before it kicks in. Hopefully with the help of everyone here you'll get some reassurance in the meantime.
There is some really good information on this site (I dont know if you've had a look at any of it - but see the links on the left here)... this one might be relevant now for you http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/articles/firststeps/
Particularly breathing exercises in relation to finding your heart pounding when you first go to bed. Also, its likely that as you are anticipating this happening once you lie down, then it is more likely to happen. I know sometimes that having a relaxing preparation before bed and then sleep is helpful. I knwo when lying in bed, distration can be difficult but perhaps focusing on breathing exercises or focusing your mind on some pleasant thoughts (rather than anticpating the symptoms returning) would be particularly beneficial?
It is hard in the night when everything is quieter, this has the impact of increasing the intensity of it all. Its vry frustrating too because as you say, its scary and you don't feel yourself anymore. This can be very unsettling but it is possible, as you have found before, to address this. That your husband is being brilliant is really good for you. Although it can't be easy for him, it's all part of being in a marriage or partnership. People sign up for thick & thin.
I havent had children myself but wonder if you're also being affected your hormones. Maybe this is playing a part. Also I didnt realise til I had a look just now but there is a condition "antenatal-depression" - and whilst obviously I'm not an expert & dont want to say anything that wouldnt be helpful but I've read some interesting information as follows. Included in the symptoms for this are:
- constant tears and feelings of sadness
- sleepless nights and difficulty concentrating
- a general feeling of anxiety
- irritability with yourself, your partner/family and the world in general
- lack of appetite
- severe fatigue and wanting to stay in bed all the time
-difficulty leaving the house/handling social situations.
The link below is where I found the information. I have read the page and all the information is helpful and informative. It isnt scary and I'm not trying to make a diagnosis but I felt it would be hlepful to have a look. They even have a forum where mums with the same problem can chat about it. Anyway, no need to look if you dont want to but hopefully it'll help as it might help quantify how you're feeling.
This is most likely a temporary thing going on & you will be able to get back towards normal soon I feel. Talking to your partner and seeing your doctor are both mentioned on the link above. So you are looking after yourself and your baby. Although it might feel like it, you really are NOT losing your mind. as possible for the baby. Re: feeling worse before feeling better on this medication: you are right, that can be the case. If you keep going with it, speaking from my experience that will change for the better.
Good things are happening beneath this all but you have alot going on here; actually you are being strong but sometimes things just mount up.
Really, Your brain is fine, you're just experiencing change in your body. Things might not feel as balanced as they are usually but these are natural changes which can, as a by product, affect your day to day thoughts.
Remind yourself that having a baby is a beautiful thing. You are beautiful too. Of course there is an anticipation that pregnancy will be free flowing but sometimes, as with anything lin life, it can have ups & downs. When things calm down for you, there will be an opportunity to feel more relaxed about everything and experience the wonder of motherhood.
So, I'm hoping I've been able to provide some reassurance. I'm glad that you also have had the ECG etc. Again you're doing all the right things. I believe that yes palpitations could be down to anxiety.
Anyway, Sarah, for fear of sending you to sleep I'd best sign off but here's to helping you feel better soon xXx