View Full Version : Worrying which probably isn't helping!

11-01-13, 11:34
I've had a cold (runny nose) with the occasional sore throat (which comes with a single swollen tonsil) for around 12 weeks now.
I am worrying, a lot!

Why is my immune system so bad? This has never happened before, infact it's only happened since my fears of cancer entered my life, I've been more ill in the past 3 months then I have in my entire life and I've spent the past 3 months anxious, stressed and depressed!

Do you think my illnesses are down to all my worrying?
Being run down and depressed, always in bed, in the same room getting no fresh air?

I just want to feel healthy again. I'm taking vitamins and vitamin c but it does nothing to help!
I recently had a blood test which came back as perfectly normal!

Im just so worried there is an underlying illness like lymphoma, oral cancer or throat cancer!

My gland under my jaw is swollen at the moment and it's so tender. I also have an extremely painful ulcer.

I'm sick of being sick lol!:blush:

11-01-13, 11:39

I am going through the same as you at the moment, Ive had a cold on and off for about a month, my glands have been permantly up for the last 6 years, I have had bloods, xrays etc and no doctors have been concerned with them yet still i constantly worry.
I also worry about all the illnesses you worry about. I thin worrying makes you more prone to getting ill, I also think that most people get colds alot and just get on with it and dont bother about it, if you suffer with HA you just think the worst!

You are not alone in your thinking.

11-01-13, 16:51
Persistent stress definitely weakens the immune system and makes us more susceptible to minor infections and viruses. I've also spoken to several people who have been unable to shake off a nasty cold this winter. I also get mouth ulcers when I am stressed/run down. Always have, ever since I was a child.

I know it's hard, but try not to worry!