View Full Version : Going to see Dr

30-08-06, 09:16

Just thought id let you know,ive made an appointment with my Dr this afternoon in the hope that my blood test results are back

I was going to phone for them but i cannot cope with anything at the moment and dont want a receptionist telling me bad news over the phone,then me being on my own to deal with it

Hunny x

polly daydream
30-08-06, 09:32
Hi Hunny, I'm sure if the news was bad the dr would have got in touch with you, where I live they generally don't leave it up to the receptionist to give you bad news,
I'm sure everything will be fine.

Take care,

Polly x

30-08-06, 09:36
Hi, try not and worry, in my experience if there has been anything wrong with the blood tests, the doctor has phoned me to tell me. I know we always think the worst.

Pluck up courage and phone the receptionist, I am sure there will be nothing to worry about.

Let us know how you get on.

Love Angie x

30-08-06, 09:55

The results are not due back until today anyway,which is why i made the appointment.I cant wait,its driving me crazy

Hunny x

30-08-06, 16:41
Hi Hunny,

Let us know how you got on at the doctor's.

I'm sure everything will be fine.

Love Carlyxx

30-08-06, 19:55
How did you get on at doctors? Did you get your results?

30-08-06, 20:04

Thanks for your messages of support
Ive to see the midwife tomorrow,but Dr didnt seem worried at the moment,Im glad i went to see her as she put things into perspective for me

Thank you all again
Hunny x

30-08-06, 20:07
Thats great Hunny I feel relieved for you.

Take carexx