View Full Version : Left arm worry...

11-01-13, 17:39

I've had a couple of really stressful days at work and dealing with a member of staff. Since I drove home yesterday my left shoulder, arm and hand have felt tense, achy and had pins and needles. So now I'm stressing that this is the symptom of a heart attack that is just waiting to happen. I woke up in the night with it also and I've got it again now after driving home from work.

I know where this fear has come from as my dad died suddenly of a heart attack, but it doesn't seem that any reassurance is helping me, and the more I worry the more I convince myself I'm going to have a heart attack, I'm only 32. I'm not short of breath or any chest pains. It feels like my left shoulder has been up by my ear for a year and the muscle is hurting, could this be it, just tense muscles. I'm fed up of this just going around my head all day.

Can anyone relate offer any advice?


11-01-13, 17:51
Hi, I understand what your saying I just posted something similar just before you titled Angina or ?

I think in all trueness it is muscle tension and it is impacting on the nerves! But that is only what I may think but as I only just post something that sound alike your post I know it is a concern to me and you and all the others who have a similar problem.

11-01-13, 18:58
Hi I did notice your post, I think it isuscular, as I've just been shopping and the aching has gone, so when I'm not thinking about it, it's not there. Anxiety playing its tricks again I think. X

Fred Speed
11-01-13, 20:18
I get pins and needles in my left arm when I'm feeling particularly anxious. It's just another anxiety symptom I'm pleased to say :)