View Full Version : Seriously peed off......

11-01-13, 17:39

......with, EMPLOYERS! Emily & Annie have both written posts about their ordeals with work and anxiety! I can not believe someone on one of those threads, commented about her NHS employer texting her and asking questions about her return to work and others have written they've been given formal warnings about time off because of anxiety??????
What is going on??? Not enough is being done Publicly media wise, for us panic and anxiety sufferers!!!! Do people think we are good actors or meer jokes! It's very frustrating reading all this, awareness to the masses is needed promptly. I know they will always be the sceptics amongst us, even when things are explained BUT come on everyone, something needs to be done ( not sure how) about all this as if anxiety isn't bad to cope with on it's own for the sufferer and also their families. Gosh frustrating. ANY SUGGESTIONS?

11-01-13, 19:08
I no what you mean I suffer really bad I'm not working because I'm not putting myself through it and them not listening to how bad I am. My bf has had to take time off work because iv had a really bad week and they haven't really been understanding we have a little girl that's why he's had to be off. Iv been to docs this week and had to get a letter off them to tell them I had depression and that I self harmed why should I have to tell his employers all this private info they should just believe him employers should understand that if people work for them or there family member are going through this they should be allowed special leave more should be done to support people with depression

11-01-13, 20:01
I couldn't agree more. Something must be done to make employers aware of how debilitating anxiety can be. Once when I was talking to my boss he just said "Oh I have had anxiety before, the best think to do is just come to work and get on with it"! Oh how I wish it was that easy!!! I don't want to be on this position where I am feeling so ill at the thought of every daily task I need to do.

11-01-13, 20:17
I couldn't agree more. Something must be done to make employers aware of how debilitating anxiety can be. Once when I was talking to my boss he just said "Oh I have had anxiety before, the best think to do is just come to work and get on with it"! Oh how I wish it was that easy!!! I don't want to be on this position where I am feeling so ill at the thought of every daily task I need to do.

Hi Annie, it's awful feel so sorry for you & work issue. Can I just say the boss your talking about obviously didn't have anxiety then???


11-01-13, 20:22
He may have been a little stressed but he certainly can't have had anxiety. I really wouldn't wish it on my worse enemy but sometimes...!!!
Thank you for your support Col.
Occ Health said they shouldn't contact me any more for reports or work related stuff. One of my colleagues text me yesterday and said "I hope you don't mind me texting you because we have been told not to contact you at all but I just wanted to let you know I am thinking about you, hope you don't mind" here was me thinking none of my work friends were bothered about me because I hadn't heard from them in ages and they had been told not to contact me at all!!!

11-01-13, 20:28
Ahh that was nice someone contacted you, it can feel like the worlds against you sometimes when really its not like that at all. It's just when things get you really down , I think it's hard to see the wood for the trees. Im really pleased the management won't contact you like this again, do they not realize by being like this it's prolonging your return to work? You know if this ( hope it won't ) did go legal, I'm sure they could get in trouble for the way ( senior staff ) they have behaved.


11-01-13, 20:32
Col it annoys me so much. I have to say though that at my last sickness review they did say they want me to get back and will give me more time, rather than considering dismissal at this stage.

11-01-13, 21:56
Col I couldn't agree more hun.

I think it's the usual thing that's been going on for years. If you have a physical disability everyone can see it and because they can see it, they accept it.

With any psychological illness/disability because you can't see it and to the World and his wife, you look just fine, people just just can't get their heads round it to understand it, and what's worse, is that a lot of them don't even want to try to understand it!!!!

I have said this many times before, but to me, a psychological illness/disability can be just, and in some cases, even more of a disability than some of the physical ones.

It is equally as debilitating, people can easily loose the ability to have a normal life or, in some cases, anywhere near a normal life.

I don't know when these opinions will change, if ever they do, but I think psychological illnesses need to be brought to the for front and be treated in the same way as any physical illness. Company's and any organisation that employs people need to be properly educated on these issues.

It's very sad really, at the moment we have people being treated badly by their employers and equally we now have those that are being treated badly by our British Government re the benefits system, it's like we don't feel bad enough having to live with our conditions, but lets now make everyone feel guilty about the fact that they have an illness, it just really shouldn't be happening in this day and age, I know things have got better but there is still an awful long way to go yet.

My message to everyone is we have an illness, we have a right to be treated with respect and understanding, none of us chose to be like this, it's happened to us in the same way that any physical illness happens, so let's just hold our heads up high and shout from the rooftops if we have to to get the message across :)

*Moosie has now stepped off of her soap box and has left the building* :D

11-01-13, 22:07
Well said AuntieMoosie and you can get on that soap box anytime you want :D xx

11-01-13, 22:20
Here here, stay on that soap box, we need people like u. XXXXXXXX

11-01-13, 23:44
I started a new job last April and have had 4 days off with a stomach problem (not panic related this time) and since then 3 random days and I have already had the 'is there anything wrong' meeting!

Actually I had a cold for 2 of them, the other was panic/work related - but I dread to think how they will treat me in future. I did start a full blown panic attack on New Year's Eve - but luckily they didn't mind me going home early as the office was going to close anyway.

It seems if you go in a look ill then it's ok (I also had a cold)! Says it all really...:mad: