View Full Version : Docs made a little sense but not sure?

11-01-13, 18:00
Hi Guys

After one of the worst days this week went to Docs today. After being put up to 30mg of Cit was totally loosing it, it is day 4.

Strange thoughts sensations blackness the whole lot!

Doc doesn't seem to think its the increase and wanted to put me up to 40, said no! He said that I have to go back next week if I feel no better. I just feel really dispondent. Felt a bit down from October but the anxiety and panic hit me hard last week.

Is this just a blip doc did not think so but could not offer any other thoughts, this has sent me right back:(

Jackie xx

11-01-13, 19:15
I cant tolerate ssri's and I took citalopram for a few days a few months ago, I felt like I was going insane, and felt like I was going to faint all the time. Maybe its too high a dose for your body. If you get worse and think it is these tablets then next time you see them make a stand and tell them, ive been messed around for months with my doctors and on monday when I have my appointment they are going to get both barrels cos ive had enough now.

Hope you start to feel better asap :hugs:

11-01-13, 23:36
Doctors ie GP's seem to dismiss that citalopram has side effects and put it down to a worsening of your condition, when you start taking it there is a definate increase in anxiety and a psychiatrist explained that to me so going from 20mg to 30mg could have the same effect. I know GP's are busy but aren,t we all and thats how some of us get into this position. The NHS is a double edged sword good in many ways but after a 2 hour in a hospital waiting room you become a bit cynical.
Hang in there and i hope you get better soon.


12-01-13, 00:16
I get worried about people on antidepressants when their doctors don't seem to get that antidepressants come with bad side effects :(

I had bad thoughts on this particular drug, as well as extreme paranoia and panic.
It was different from normal anxiety, I think you know the difference yourself.
I know others that took this drug and had zero side effects so it really comes down to how your body reacts to it.

If you don't feel better soon I could slowly reduce the dose and come off it and maybe try a different antidepressant.
Or go to another doctor for better yet a psychiatrist as they are trained better in these types of matters.

12-01-13, 03:11
Hello :)

Well your doctor is, of course, entitled to his opinion, but I beg to differ and I agree with the others:)

I had my meds all changed last Summer and I was under my psychiatrist and I was told that any change of SSRI's, be that a different type, or a rise in the dosage, does cause your anxiety to peak a bit at first, my psychiatrist gave me a very low dose of Diazepam to help me through the first few days.

If I were you I'd go back to your doctors and ask for something to help you a little just whilst your first starting on this medication, it's not all bad news though :) Whilst it does take a some time to get into your system and start to work, I have found them very beneficial, you just have to kind of hang in there and ride the first few weeks out :) :hugs: