View Full Version : Anxiety and panic taking over.

11-01-13, 21:51
Hi all, I'm new to this but feel like this so bare with me if I talk to much! I have suffered from anxiety for a while now, I have an 11 year old daughter and drive myself crazy that something awful would happen to her and me and this would part us. These feelings have become worse within the last couple of weeks and I've had panic attacks and constantly feel like I'm going to die and leave her without a mum. I have chest pains which I've convinced myself are a heart attack, upper back pains which could be lung cancer. I can hear my heart beating most of the time and feel sick and dizzy.
I hope reading through these forums will help. Please let me know I'm not alone and going crazy! I'm still managing to go to work but I'm soooo tired. ALL THE TIME.
Any help or suggestions would be gratefully recieved.
Thanks so much
Terri x:lac:

11-01-13, 22:40
I'm also new to this, 25 year old male. I wish I had the answer for you which I've been searching for also. It's horrible I call my anxiety waves. (Waves) which come on suddenly but gently calm into a lagoon. For 4 months I can feel horrible an aura of ill health will just come over me. Then to gently calm down for a month or 2 then hit like a tusnami. I feel your pain.

11-01-13, 23:41
Hi Terri

If its starting to take over your life you need to see your doctor. You are having palpitations due to your anxiety which is why you feel your heart beating all the time. There is medication that can help with this.

A lot of people with anxiety and panic disorders have health concerns, which we dwell on, and that just makes it worse. The chances are that you are not going to die, you are just being overwhelmed with these feelings, and a good chat to your doctor should help you out, so make an appointment as soon as you can, Im sure they will be able to aleviate some of your anxieties and help you to get better.