View Full Version : Struggling

11-01-13, 23:16
Am really struggling at the moment with my anxiety, everything little seems to irritate and annoy me and I'm lashing out on my boyfriend and family members. Cant relax no matter what I do.

Having constant headaches, pains, problems with thinking, IBS, everything seems to be such an effort, I don't even want to get out of bed because as soon as I do I focus on a symptom in my body and anxiety starts, also noticed that when I get up to walk my feet slip and this is worrying me, I don't know if I'm losing balance or not and if I am is this a symptom of anxiety because I've never experienced it before? Worried about this in particular.

Feel like I'm losing it to be honest, I'm going back to therapy soon but they haven't given me a date.

Is anyone else struggling like this? Even though I've had anxiety for well over a year and have been taught how to cope with it, I cant, and I feel like I was when this whole thing started.

So fed up, just want to live like a normal person. :weep:

12-01-13, 00:25
I would assume your mood is low and you are highly anxious so everything annoys you a whole lot and it takes energy to be able to curb your tempter and not to lash out.

I can relate to the not wanting to get out of bed because they you will feel a symptom and start to worry about it.
It's hard to simply ignore something when you can sense or feel it.

How are your sinuses? Just you mentioned headaches and doziness?
If your sinuses get blocked it can cause headache, face pain and it can block the tubes in your ears which in turn causes dizziness.

I hope they give you a date soon and you can start therapy as you really need the extra support.

We all get days like yours or even weeks or months.
I get headaches a lot, nearly every day due to my sinuses I believe any ways, the last few weeks I have been getting tummy pain and feeling sick too.

12-01-13, 01:11
Thank you, yes everything you say seems correct to me.

Have calmed down a considerable amount since posting this, just by reading the self help forums on the left.

Sinuses are okay I think, although my ears hurt and have a bit of a sore throat.

Thanks again.

12-01-13, 01:26
Hi! I just wanted to remind you that you aren't alone and all the things you're describing are things most of us have gone through- it's classic anxiety and that's not to belittle your problems, I actually find that telling myself that the way I feel is simply because of some faulty thought processes rather than an actual physical problem/ illness is really helpful. Sometimes you get so caught up in symptom spotting/ anxiety you stop being able to tell what's real and what's not. But that doesn't mean you're losing it, not at all. There's plenty of help out there and therapy will help alot. I know what you mean about feeling like you're starting all over again with this even though you've suffered with HA for a while- I said EXACTLY the same to my doctor today. She said that its not the sort of thing than you kick in one episode, rather you learn over months/ years to apply what you learn in counselling to periods where your HA is threatening to take over. It's like any skill, it takes time and practice, unfortunately! And HA is a stubborn bugger...but you will get there, I promise. It just takes some patience and some perseverance and the support of people on here and those around you.

Hang in there! X

12-01-13, 16:27
Thanks Button you're so helpful and what you're saying is so true and makes sense. I don't know what I'd do if I didn't have the support this website offers x

12-01-13, 21:01
hi i was just like you could,nt be bothered to do anything high anxiety which made me feel drained snapping at the kids an husband didn,t wont to tell them why i was snapping kept it to myself then went to doctors gave me citalopram feel 100% better in just a few weeks hope you feel better soon.