View Full Version : Messy diarrahea (be warned, TMI)

12-01-13, 10:01
Ok, so at the start of December I flew from Melbourne to Los Angeles. While waiting in the Delta Lounge for my connecting flight to Portland I had to rush to the toilet and out came green diarrahea and it was very messy. It took ages to clean up as it came out as I was just about to sit down. Was fine after that and I put it down to maybe something I ate on the plane.
Tonight the same thing happened, except it wasn't green. Was at home and it took ages to clean up. Once again it came out as I was just about to sit down.
It is quite concerning because I have had no appetite for a couple of months, something my Gp isn't concerned about. My appetite returned for a few days, but I noticed today I didn't feel hungry and went to 3.30pm without having anything to eat.
I'm terrified I have bowel cancer or stomach cancer.
Sorry if this was TMI.

12-01-13, 17:15
This doesn't sound like cancer at all - it could be ibs - irritable bowel syndrome which is related to stress, was there anything similar about these two times, in terms of what you'd eaten?? Sometimes I have to rush to the bathroom if I have lots of dairy in one go so I avoid these foods now

12-01-13, 18:00
Yep agree with Sophie, stress & ibs, but can understand this is not nice to see.
Do you take iron supplements, they can make your stools green or some oils can have a weird effect on poo or can create leaky poo, it sort of - just comes out.

Sorry for crude info.

13-01-13, 01:47
Thanks guys. I thnk th first time it might have been from eggs on the plane. The second time i hsd egg sandwiches for afternoon tea while playing cricket. Maybe that was it? Don't know. It is very distressing and upsetting.

13-01-13, 02:15
you could always ask your doctor to do a stool sample if it doesn't clear up :)

13-01-13, 02:25
It doesn't sound like cancer, but as anxious_gal said you can always get a stool sample done if you keep getting it to see if you have an infection of some sort which is much more likely. The two incidents could even be unrelate and you might just have caught a couple of stomach bugs, but I don't think it's cancer.

13-01-13, 03:15
Thanks so much everyone who have replied.
I'm going out of my freaking mind with worry.
It's giving me the shits ... Literally.