View Full Version : feeling bad

30-08-06, 11:58

Had a major panic attack monday night and i haven't felt good since.
Feeling really down and worried, just so sick of it. Keep getting those horrible missed heartbeats and think i'me going to drop dead at any minute. I hate being scared all the time its no way to live. Convinced i've got something seriously wrong with me. Wish i could push all these negative thoughts out my head. Some days i feel positive and i cope so much better but how do you keep positive when the slightest thing scares you. On my own today aleays feel worse on my own. Just need some reassurance please.

Love Rosebudxxx

polly daydream
30-08-06, 12:04
Hi Rosebud, just remember the missed beats are totally normal, I get them everyday like alot of other people, you are not going to drop dead, I know it's hard but you must stop thinking this way, try to stay positive sweet.

Take care,

Polly x

30-08-06, 12:06
hi theresorry to hear your not to good ,its not easy i know .try and find time just for you dont let it beat you . you are not alone we are here .im 53 and been like you all my life and yes like you i get sick of it . but there is a light at the end of this dark tunnel i prommise.be strong you can pm me any time for a chat take care suexxx

30-08-06, 12:13
thanks for the reassurance i just feel so alone at the moment.
Its so good to have your support. My missed heartbeats have stopped and im'e still here ! Always worrying about the next time though, thats what brings them on i think.

Love Rosebudxxx

Granny Primark
30-08-06, 12:40
Hi rosebud,

I think most people who dont even suffer panic have those missed heartbeats. Ive got a friend who has never suffered a panic attack in her life whos told me that even she gets them.
It is worrying i know.
i live in fear of the next panic attack and i know that my fear is making my anxiety so much worse.

Hope you feel better.

Take care

30-08-06, 13:13
Hi Rosebud,I get all the feeling you get and I also hate being alone.I had a really bad panic attack just over two weeks ago.I had to have two weeks of work because of it and Im still not recovered.I have allsorts of symptoms from headaches,stomach problems,bladder problems which makes the anxiety worse.I still live at home and my parents are going away next week.I worry sick that something will happen to them.My minds ticking away!! I have support from my partner,who is fantastic,but he does not understand fully.No one knows what its like until they have been there.
I get missed heart beats to your are not alone.
Take care

Ellen XX