View Full Version : JUST SOME POEMS

30-08-06, 11:58

If I transpose my reality into something tangible,
show you the collective fabrics that weave the tapestry of what is my life,
the when, where, how, and why,
what you would see is a tattered cloth,
very aged, and very worn by misuse,
unclean and stained by the past,
with no more then patch work repairs meant only to sustain its integrity,
though rough and hardened by years of abrasive motions,
and here and there the occasional weft hangs limp and lucid,
and its once soft virgin wool is now “corpse like” in texture,
then discarded for the shear repugnant odors that emanate from the now sallow rags,
used beyond the point of having any remaining value,
if you can comprehend the uselessness I feel,
the exasperated folly that is my life,
then your eyes have opened to a reflection in a mirror that casts an image of me,
when I am not there,
for I am but a reflection of all of you,
in a mirror you cannot see.


Translucent images of a self-perceived worth,
Morals corrupt with ebon thoughts,
A dance mockery to my own humanity,
What makes me the torrent vestige imposed upon today’s populace,
A self imposed victim of mans atrocities,
A killer of self,
Molester of my own innocence,
Rapist of my own soul,
I throw myself into a court as jester,
When all else proclaim themselves kings,
I am the creator of my own sorrow,
The smithy who pounds out my own suffering upon the anvil of life,
Burnt and bitter with the thoughts of what could have been,
And that which was not,
For “I am” a parody to the word called love,
Not even crowned as the king of fools,
For I am the jester of broken hearts.

By Mr. E. Jones


A dialect forms from an undesired breath
Disjointed in my intent
Extraneous to the meaning others perceive
My juxtaposition holds much ambiguity
When I consider the allegory of good versus evil
Morally abstracted in my own perceptions
Am I the minority facing the torrent?
Or are the eyes of knowledge slowly becoming the majority
What are the ramifications of my faith?
Or the lack there of
Has my curiosity closed the gates to my soul?
Am I the tempest to my own moral Armageddon?
In my knowledge have I become tainted?
Unable to ever again rely solely on faith
Unable to return to the ignorance others desire
Or will enlightenment be the savior of man
How is it we are educated to believe we are a reflection of invisibility
When a unification of matter is the vessel of our creation
And matter is a tangible fabric
Ignorance is the loom from which man has woven himself
When in truth the Sun is our father
Our mother is the Earth
And water the womb in which the seed of life was dispersed

By Mr.E. Jones


All these words, that I am speaking. while from my veins, my blood is leaking.
For a love unfound, but always seeking. a crimson puddle, forms upon my floor.
When time has passed, and I am at my end. it’s to you my friend, that I shall send.
These words of why, I could not contend. alas my friend, I stand on sorrows shore.
So keep alive, the times we’ve had. I will say good-bye, to my mom, and dad.
Know that I, am no longer sad. the reaper waits, and he is at my door.

For a lifetime spent, in search of dreams. with sorrows scent, and lonely screams.
Lips upward bent, a smile it seems. alas my friend, within my heart I am dying.
All the years of tears, unseen by most. so raise your glass, for one final toast.
Next time we meet, I will be a ghost. rejoice for me, for I am no longer crying.
Memories fade, and in time you’ll forget. of this man you knew, and how we met.
I only hope, there will be no regret. the reaper waits, upon this I am relying.

In my abstract, comprehension. were it to be, for me to mention.
My soul is lost, in so much dissension. so to this my friend, I do condescend.
A question asked, of a day I remember. on journeys past, my twelfth December.
In my stocking cast, a piece o

30-08-06, 12:09
really loverly i think we have a poet here well done suexx

30-08-06, 12:16
thank you, i am reposting a poem dedicated to all of the people who take the time to help others, you are angels to so many people, and in helping others, and showing them how you find strength, you also teach them how to pass it on, and become angels them selves.


to sue_with 5, and trac, you are angels to me

Through life we soar, like birds unbound
From tree to tree, the whole world round
On the winds of life, do we all glide
Till a day a tree, with did I collide
Falling fast, with a broken wing
To the air I tried, desperately to cling
That’s when I saw her, an angel you see
She was flying fast, strait to me
She held out her hand, and cradled my fall
In her clutches I felt, no more then a doll
For days she held me, in her comforting embrace
Each time that I looked, a smile on her face
My wing had been mended, and I was well
With a kiss on my head, she bid me farewell
I flapped and I flew, to the branch of a tree
I heard from her voice, be careful and be free
A dark storm blowing, and far up in the sky
I could see a brother bird, trying to fly
I jumped off of my branch, and took to the air
The look on his face, so full of despair
I held out my hand, and I cradled his fall
Then looked at myself, in wonder and awe
An angel I am, she did this for me
So I tended his wounds, be careful be free

by mysteryed

Author's Comments:
"these 2 women from the www.nomorepanic.co.uk sight brought me from one of the worst bouts of depression I have ever had, over looking there own problems to help me with mine, if that’s not an angel I don’t no what is." </center>

the tears i cry will forever be in vein

30-08-06, 16:36
Ed that always brings a tear to my eye when I read it thankyou hun


Trac xxx

'Live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwritten'

02-09-06, 11:40
hi ed

your poems again are wonderful

when we are in our darkest depths - the lucky ones are touched by an angel

take care ed


........life is for living not just for surviving