View Full Version : High Heart Rate

donna x
12-01-13, 14:54
Hi, I was doing so well with my anxiety until today. I started an 8 week diet / fitness programme this week to lose some weight and get fit. I was at a bootcamp session this morning and my heart rate went up to 198 beats per minute (should never have bought the heart rate monitor lol) after looking it up on line I am really worried and now i'm in a total panic. I have tried to contact my instructor but he is not answering his phone. I dont know what to do. Can anyone help keep me calm or do I really have a heart problem? I am 34 years old so my maximun rate should be 220 - 34 = 186 bpm.

Thanks guys, Donna

Mr Brownstone
12-01-13, 15:48
I wouldnt panic too much. When is the next time you are doing a fitness session? Is it with the instructor? If so, just talk to him then.

12-01-13, 15:48
Are you generally fit or unfit?

donna x
12-01-13, 17:25
Thanks for your reply. I'm generally unfit which I why I wanted to do this 8 week programme. I'm next training on Tuesday so I will speak to him then. Apologies I just had a major panic but i've calmed down down.

12-01-13, 17:28
Hi Donna that's not really that high. The calculation is just an estimate. I like to think of myself as fit and used to go to the gym 6 days a week before my anxiety kicked in 7 months ago. I've started going back and get my heart rate over 190bpm after exercise and resting its between 50-60. I have spoke to my doctor who just said what do you expect it to do when your exercising! Good point!

I freaked me out the first time it happened and took me a few hours and some diazepam to bring it down but I can see now that it was just my anxiety keeping it high. It was also high during exercise as this was the first time back to the gym for a few months so I was anxious mid training.

Do you know the best way to avoid this, don't check! I won't be checking again!

donna x
12-01-13, 18:17
Thanks for making me feel much better. Thats what I done, took a diazapam to try and calm me down. Trying to change my life but anxiety is never too far away.

Mr Brownstone
14-01-13, 20:02
And thats the problem with the internet. So where you probably read that your maximum rate should be 220 - 34 = 186 bpm, it forgets to mention that "but it could be higher if you've not exercised in ages". These little sentences that the authors forget to put in, can make a massive difference. Its lazy and thoughtless.