View Full Version : Hey peeps, another anxious person

12-01-13, 15:44
Bumped into this site yesterday while having a panic attack and trying to calm myself down.
Hey, I'm 32 from Essex, parent and partner and unfortunately started my journey with panic attacks few months ago.
I always was an anxious person tending to worry too much but recent months have been a nightmare really. It all started with ear infection but as I was unaware of it I ended up being taken to hospital as the dizziness I experienced while out in town turned into hyperventilation and then heart beat trying to beat world record in beating lol
Anyway, as I suffer from rare-ish spine problems I have been suffering from back and then right side pain, while recovering from ear infection I also introduced pain in left side and the chest as well. I think that's what really put me into this vicious circle of fear that has been just really taking over (along with the chronic pain) my life and seeing me doing less and less and just turning into some sort of dead weight on family life.
As the pain in left side was quite different to my usual pains it kinda went into phase of- it must be my heart, or maybe my lungs- (as my spine condition can affect these) and simple things life shopping and stuff started trigerring panic attacks, pain or unusual sensation in chest would start them too.
Ended up having 24 hrs ECG which showed normal heart but I'm still struggling with the anxiety and those bloody panic attacks.
Ended up going to doctors these Monday just gone and explained to him what kind of pain I'm experiencing and sort of asked him if he thought it was nueropathic pain and he seemed to agree. Anyway as I also needed some help with the anxiety I got Lyrica to help me to combat both pain and the anxiety. I saw positive results within hours and went sleep. Morning after I felt absolutely out of it, took morning dose, went to sleep and spent most of Tuesday like a drunk skunk laughing and just feeling like my head and legs went to sleep. As I had been taking Tramadol for pain I got a bit confused as what to do. Stop Lyrica or stop Tramadol. Went with stopping Tramadol.
Rest of the week it's just been a bit up and down. Decent mornings, awful afternoons. Went to docs yesterday (and had a panic attack while seeing him lol) and he said that it was bad timing of stopping Tramadol but understood the reasons (I thought both drugs Lyrica and Tramadol were just too much and with Lyirca being kinda helpful with the pain in chest I decided to stick with it), he amended my dose of Lyirca to 50mg/3 times a day instead of 75/2 times a day and hey came back home and had another panic attack lol that's how I found this site as an article or post here mentioned tingling in neck and face which I experienced last night.

Annnyyyywayyyy I didn't mean to be so long and chaotic but, just wanted to say hello and see how I get on here.
Hope you all are quite well today :)

12-01-13, 15:58
Hi asmmargod

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

12-01-13, 16:08
Welcome to the site. I hope you find as much help as I have. I wish you all the best.


12-01-13, 16:33
Hello and welcome to the site. I'm sure you'll find lots of support and information here.

12-01-13, 20:55
hi ive only been with this site a couple of weeks you don,t realise how many people are suffering with the same problems as you reading other peoples post and talking to them really helps as they understand what your going through hope you feel better soon an welcome.

12-01-13, 21:33
Cheers for the welcome :)
Yeah sharing and talking about your experiences with others does tend to help.