30-08-06, 12:21
Friends are made but are not to be discarded, and in my ignorance I was attempting to do just that, to erase a part of who I am, this sight and the people in it have become a part of who I am, not a day goes by when I don’t wonder what is taking place in here, some of my fondest memories from this last year came from you, the wonderful people I met here in NMP,

I was being selfish and stupid when I attempted to leave you, I am sorry, of all the places on the internet I have tried to find acceptance, none have come even close to NMP, or the people who make it what it is,

I know we all have our troubles, but mine tend to rub some people the wrong way, and on occasion I have offended others, and not considered there feelings, I am sorry, my over powering emotions have always been my down fall, its love and acceptance I desire, and I always seem to get discouraged when I don’t find it, know where have I found a more caring and loving group of people as I have here,

I will try to be a friend to all of you , as you have always been to me,

Thank you

30-08-06, 14:59
I think everyone in the world wants love and acceptance from people.
The first place you must look from that is from yourself, then other people will accept and love you. Easy to say I know, hard to put into practice.

Online frinds are great but nothing like real people in the real world.

Tara x

Smile...it confuses people.

polly daydream
30-08-06, 16:12
Glad you are still with us friend.

Take care,
