View Full Version : Taxi Progress

30-08-06, 12:30
Hi everyone,

I've been practising getting taxi's home alone from the clinic with my occpational thearpists help. She normally talks to me on the phone on the journey. We've done this about 3 times.

Today I said to her that I'd like to try the journey home alone without talking to her on the phone, and she gave me her number in case I wanted to ring her at any point. I was anxious but not too bad.

Then on the way, the taxi driver took the wrong turning. He couldn't get back on to the right road as there's a wall in between. So he had to drive a longer way round. All I could see was how long the road was in front of us and I thought "Oh no". I know the area but it's a long time since i've been down this road. It's longer and there are more traffic lights. But then I started thinking "This is good practise for me." My anxiety did rise on and off but I kept telling myself to focus on other things, looking out of the window, listening to the radio, and telling myself i'm alright.

He apologised for taking the wrong turning and he drove me home. I feel happy now, as I feel I've achieved more today.

Heather x

30-08-06, 13:06
hi heather well done you should feel so proud that you managed to keep your anxiety under control!!!you could just try to keep practising this technique in other stressful situations!!
take care
rachel x

30-08-06, 13:31
Well done, Heather. for facing the fear.

Things like wrong turnings and longer journies happen, and all aid our 'toughening up'.

Take Care,



And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance.
~Mark Sanders and Tia Sillers

polly daydream
30-08-06, 16:24
Good on you Heather, well done.

Take care,


30-08-06, 17:45
Well done you!

Maybe the wrong turning was 'fate' ya know? To show yourself that you would be fine and you were! Good on ya!

30-08-06, 18:21
Ah well done!

I bet you feel better knowing you coped so well.

Tammy x

30-08-06, 20:02
Well done!

That was a good thing to you as it took you out of your safe zone and you still coped so you can now learn that things happen like this and you still feel fine afterwards.

Great news all round


30-08-06, 20:38
Congratulations Heather. Well done you.

Take Care


01-09-06, 10:17
Thank you all :D

Heather x

03-09-06, 22:44
Well done Heather thats fantastic news

So pleased for you

Take care



Many People Will Walk
In & Out Of Your Life
But Only True Friends
Will Leave Footprints
In Your Heart

03-09-06, 23:52
Well done Heather. You coped with two new experiences - taking the taxi ride without speaking to your support, and also dealing with the wrong turn and longer journey,

Keep at it. You are doing well.


I love you in place where there's no space or time
I love you for in my life you are a friend of mine
And when my life is over remember when we were together
We were alone and I was singing this song for you

~The Carpenters~

04-09-06, 11:25
Thank you Alex and Karen :D

Heather x

05-09-06, 09:29
thats brilliant! be proud of yourself! now you have done that, anythin in possible
you know where i am if you need anyone to talk to
shell xxx

05-09-06, 16:14
Hi Heather,

Good for you for asking to take the taxis by yourself without the aid of your therapist with the phone and then managing to stay calm when things went unexpected as most things do in life! I think you are really on your way...


"Our thoughts are our reality"

11-09-06, 14:18
Thank you Shell and Bel :)

Heather x