View Full Version : Ex agrophobic - now psychology student - looking for dissertation ideas!

12-01-13, 23:58
hiya all,

if you've taken the time to read this then thanks!

a bit of background info - from the age of about 17 to 22 I suffered from severe panic/anxiety/agrophobia but with a lot of hard work and determination I managed to get my life back. during those hard times I used this site a lot.

I'm now a psychology student, looking at ideas for my dissertation; my final research project! I'd love to look at something anxiety related but since it's really hard to get anything past the ethics board that may induce any form of anxiety in participants (understandably) i'm finding it quite hard to think of things to look into!

any of you guys have any inspiration? have you ever wondered if something inparticular was the cause of you anxiety? or maybe whether age has any kind of impact? or..... ummmmm, this is where I get a bit stuck!!

I know i have an amazing oppotunity to carry out a bit of 'proper' research so i really want to make the most of it!

any thoughts guys and gals?


13-01-13, 00:02
Yep! i have loads of ideas.

An ex agoraphobic who works with the elderly with agoraphobic tendencies.

PM me over the weekend and i will help you out.

di xx

13-01-13, 00:55
Look at hormones? Like Not many women are told the pill can make them depressed ! / personally my anxiety is worse around certain times of the month too

13-01-13, 10:39
agree with the hormone thing..im now agoraphobic and it all started after i come off the pill had been on it on and off for 15 years....and my anxiety is def worse round that time of the month...
how did you overcome your agoraphobia?? was it just therapy or medication as well??

13-01-13, 12:12
Could look at the impact of childhood trauma on anxiety levels in later life, the government's and societiy's attitude towards it, alternative therapy success rate...

13-01-13, 21:15
Agree hormones are interesting - especially as it relates to the menopause. Good luck.