View Full Version : Panic attack while having a Pneumothorax (Collapsed Lung) ??

13-01-13, 03:07
Does anyone have any experience with Spontaneous Pneumothorax's ? I feel so alone with this problem that has happened three years ago!

I can't seem to get on with my life.. because it's one of those things that could just happen again unexpected.. I fear to travel now, I fear to do anything that is far away from a medical center.

My Dr. has made me do a number of tests, including Spirometry and X-rays and assures me my lungs are 100% fine and to forget about it.. But I still can't seem to get over this fear.. which has created anxiety and panic attacks in me.

IF anyone has experience with these I'd like to ask.. IF it were to happen again and I was to have a Panic attack (Hyperventilating etc) Would this cause my lung to collapse further and further leading me to pass out and turning into a Tension Pneumothorax (Deadly) ??
Or is my anxiety getting the better of me ? I'd love to hear other people's experiences so I can get feel reassured and not so alone in this.. :weep:

Thanks, Adam.

13-01-13, 03:31
Why did it happen the first time?
How dangerous is it?

Well very rarely do you faint from hyperventilating but it can happen, it's not dangerous, basically your body is forcing you to calm down :)
But even if that happen I can't see how it would cause that thing you had before?

13-01-13, 03:41
The doctors say it is common in thin and tall males in their early 20's.. I almost fit that description. Expect I'm not tall.. Usually it happens because we have Blebs (Blisters) on our lungs that can pop the pleura (The lining of the lungs) and cause air to rush in, causing your lung to collapse.. IN my case.. I was a heavy user or Marijuana before it all happened, So that is my theory as to why it happened to me.

It is considered a Medical emergency.. but rare for it to be fatal. If it collapses enough your heart shifts into the empty space in your chest causing shock or cardiac arrest.. Now that is worse case scenario. and that is what keeps me awake at night.. I am scared nearly everyday, and cannot move on with my life..

They can do surgery to prevent it from happening again, but they won't do it until you have two or more collapses.

What my worry is, If my lung somehow collapsed again.. and I started having a panic attack.. I fear it would kill me.. this keeps me up at night, and my family and friends try to reassure me even my DR.. but noone can.

13-01-13, 04:10
It must have been scary when it happened.
All I know from people is that it hurts a lot when your lung collapses.
Have you stopped smoking?

Well that is reassuring that it's rare it's fatal. You know you are never far from a hospital and even if you are they are those helicopter ambulances : )

Did you ask your doctor if it did happen again and you did panic, what would happen then?

it's not happened in years, and you are letting that fear of it happening stop you from enjoying life.
I do understand the fear though.

I think you should focus more on maybe CBT and how to handle the fear, as you can't control what may or may not happen in the future.


13-01-13, 04:18
Yeah, It was a terrifying experience as I knew nothing about it.. At first I thought it was a pulled muscle or something, I even got a haircut thinking nothing of it LOL.

But as it didn't get better, my mum rushed me to the ER thinking I was having a heart attack or something! was crazy.

I quit smoking right after it, but then started smoking ciggs again 9 months after it all. Stupid I know, But have quit again.

Yeah, it is reassuring knowing it can be treated easily. My mind just likes to focus on the worse case scenario's.

I haven't asked my Dr, no.. I have been treated as a hypochondriac.. which I am lol. But I might mention it to him and get a professional opinion. Hopefully they don't correlate eachother. Or better yet hopefully I never have to experience another one.

May I ask what is CBT ? Beacuse I see a physocologist on and off, which really doesn't seem to be helping me all that much.

13-01-13, 04:59
Well it's a good thing your mum took you to hospital!
Funny how differently you view things before anxiety.

cognitive behavioral therapy,
It helps you cope better with the anxiety/fear.
It teaches you how you are maintaining the fear.
It helps you change your thinking which then can help improve your anxiety.

It can help with pretty much anything, it gives you the tools to help yourself which is good.
Personally simply talking about my anxiety doesn't really help, where as CBT helps actually do something about the anxiety which can be empowering and encouraging.

14-01-13, 12:07
I had my first pneumothorax when I was around 23/24. It's believed I injured myself whilst doing some heavy lifting. I too, am a slightly built lad which I have been told that the framework around the lungs is non existant in my build which leaves me prone to them.

I've had around 3-4 now, each time my lung sorts itself out over a couple of weeks.

However, next time it happens I am going in for the procedure to fix it once and for all.

16-01-13, 08:40
It's good to hear from someone who has experienced the same thing. May I ask do you suffer from Panic attacks ?

because the two mimic themselves.. It's sometimes hard to tell the difference if someone is really wrong or it's just damn anxiety.