View Full Version : Constant lightheadedness

13-01-13, 09:34
Hi all,

Need some help with my symptoms, for the past 3 years I have had all kinds of symptoms but some will just not shift. I have had a brain MRI, ECG and all the blood work and my doctor just puts it down to stress (which I do agree with)

It all started when my wife got pregnant and I started worrying about things and I also had a promotion at work.

I started off with heart palps and then it moved onto a constant state of lightheadedness.

I have had the shortness of breath, tingling face, hands and feet.

Anyway once I had the tests i stopped worrying so much and the dizzness almost went about a year ago (i didn't notice it for 3 months)

however since Christmas it has come back with avengance. I am a teacher and all of my symptoms are worse when i go back to school after a holiday (and funnily i hardly notice my symptoms in the holiday.

However I can never shift this constant feeling of lightheadedness. Any one else have this and got rid of it?

---------- Post added at 10:34 ---------- Previous post was at 10:29 ----------

Also, I will just add that the symptoms are also worse at work, but I realise it is due to the pressure I put myself under at work but I just don't know how I can stop it.

I think the lightheadedness is what is really bugging me as it drives me mad!

14-01-13, 19:35
Hi there!

Are you on any kind of anxiety medication? I know the feeling well! Does it sometimes feel like you have to hang on to something? Like your dizzy?

18-01-13, 19:47
I have it to quite a lot. I spoke to my GP and I am going to get therapy before it turns into something worse.

19-01-13, 08:37
Yeah feels like that sometimes and the rest of the time it's just constant lightheadedness. Nope not on any medication, trying to sort it on my own. Trouble is my gp is useless, might need to change

19-01-13, 16:33
I went to see a nurse once I had a panic attack and managed to get an appointment that day. My heart was still going so fast and the nurse noticed that and I said I was under lots of stress and anxiety and she suggested that I speak to my GP and probably recommended I see someone. Often when I feel lightheaded my heart rate is slower than normal as it is always quite fast so it worries me more!

21-01-13, 13:13
Hi Maldon84. I experience the same symptoms exactly since Christmas, I just woke up on 24th and felt quite dizzy/lightheaded. I have been like that till today, even though sometimes it seems to go away, but it's mostly there, constant lightheadedness... Have you been to an ENT specialist? My GP made me an appointment on 30th with one, they think it might be an inner ear problem. However, I doubt it, I think it could easily just be the anxiety... I wish you to get better soon! Let us know what happened next, I am interested to see if you figured out the reason or a way of handling it, since I have the same issue and it's driving me crazy...