View Full Version : Worrying about things normal people wouldn't!

13-01-13, 14:27
Went for a walk to Sainsburys just now and felt something strange on little toe when walking home checked foot blood on little toe ...
On th toe next to it is a tiny irratitting cut on the inside obviously were the blood was coming from I'm scared theirs a splinter in their and ill loose my foot when I squeeze blood comes out! How the hell did I cut my self there when I was walking with shoes on. It's a highly irrating feeling at the moment especially when walking but its tiny. I'm scared theirs something wrong ŵith me as it feels very irrating

13-01-13, 14:29
It could be atheletes foot? Is it itchy?

13-01-13, 14:30
Not really hard to describe its just a tiny cut but were from? I'm freaking out that something's very wrong

13-01-13, 14:40
Has the nail on your little toe been rubbing on your other toe to make it bleed. This happened to me once, it was just a sharp toe nail rubbing on toe next to it x

13-01-13, 14:41
Possibly as my little toe is tucked behind the next one. I have funny feet lol I trimmed then down its just very irritating

13-01-13, 16:38
Emma you could get a toe separator as i had to go to a podiatrist and she gave me one...the one she gave me irritates me though so thinking on getting online. It is my little toe too on my right foot which gives me grief. I have always had slightly bent little toes are you similar? Maybe this is also a cause?

I also like your quote you have put on from Glenn Turner. I never though on it that way.

Chat soon if you like.

13-01-13, 16:57
This is definitely from your toe - it has happened to me before, my little toe is a squashed up against the one next to it, and I was shocked at how much blood could come from such a tiny cut, just keep it clean and dry and it will heal very quickly. Make sure you keep an eye on your toe nail so you can trim it again before it gets pokey.

13-01-13, 17:30
How did you get on at the doctor's Emma? Didn't you have an appointment on Friday?

13-01-13, 21:17
Yes mine are beant and squashed up lol. I over reacted lizzie I had to cancel as I got to anxious couldn't face going was to scared . I was terrified hed trll me i was ill and it wasnt anxiety but a serious illness. Just went to loo and when I wiped I felt a pain like when u touch a bruise on one side I between legs near vagina area bikini line sitting on it hurts to as does touching the area worried its cancer :

15-01-13, 17:18
It's unlikely the doctor will say it's anything serious. You've had a lot of worries about different ailments but none have lasted, which they would if it was serious. Just think, if you go it may help to put your mind at ease a little. Plus, you NEED to get support for your anxiety.

Have you got a friend who could go with you for support?

15-01-13, 17:34
I have rebooked for this Friday x

---------- Post added at 17:34 ---------- Previous post was at 17:34 ----------

I have one friend but don't feel right talking about it

17-01-13, 18:10
Why don't you print off some of your posts from here?