View Full Version : To work or not to work...

13-01-13, 17:55
I love Winter so much. The freezing weather, the germs, the bugs, the floods...and I have a nice little cold to keep me company-feel really stuffy, got an extreme sore throat, feel absolutely knackered, cancelled a performance I was supposed to go to today and now that it's evening the fatigue and throat pain has really kicked in, I am wondering whether or not I should go to work tomorrow. I work a full time 40 hour week and don't really get much time to relax. Last time I had a cold was back in November and it fell over the week-end as well. Typical. I really think having a rest day would do me good, but I don't know if I should waste a sick day, as I have " a cold"-which I most likely caught off of the 5 people who currently have colds in my office. :curse:!! I am a bit of a worry wart when it comes to work. I need to keep my job as I have a humangus mortgage and bills to pay and I always have these visions of getting fired, even though I am a very hard worker. Because I put myself under a lot of strain, I often feel very hard done by and sometimes even unfairly treated (like on my last job I barely got a days holiday and ended up resigning with a bundle of holiday pay). I also get scared that a potential new employer will ask for my number of sick days and it will look bad, even if it's just 2 or 3 in a year. What is the acceptable number and am I worrying over nothing? :weep:

13-01-13, 18:36
When I was once a boss I expected the odd day off if someone had a really bad cold, it's always worse cos people pass it on and make others ill, leading to more people off. If you feel really poorly I'd stay in bed for a lay in, it's what I'd do.

Hope you feel better soon.

13-01-13, 18:49
Thanks Dazza. I think I will just play it by ear and see how i feel. If I don't feel up to it, I won't go in...after all, we're all human. :)

13-01-13, 18:51
Exactly, see how you feel if/when you get up, you never know it might ease overnight!

13-01-13, 21:18
Think, it may well snow!

13-01-13, 22:18
I find this difficult too whether to go into work when you are ill? My boss doesn't believe in paying sick pay. I had three days off before Christmas with a chest infection. I went back to work too early. I ended up feeling much worse and lost my voice, tight chest and general exhaustion. I then got another infection. If you are really ill then phone in sick and please don't feel guilty. The first week you can self certificate anyway. My boss even claimed a holiday week as a sick week once when I was ill illegal!!.Take care and look after yourself. EJ

14-01-13, 07:36
Thank you all for your replies. Gosh, some bosses are real scroodges, aren't they? To be fair, my boss is ok when it comes to calling in sick, but I just don't want to take a sick day, if maybe I don't really need to....anyway, I woke up this morning and felt ok-sore throat better, just a sniffy nose and feel bit tired, but I am ok to go in I reckon. Come the afternoon, I'll probably be exhausted, but then I can go to bed early tonight. :sleep: Snow hasn't made its way here yet-if if did, I certainly would be staying home!! Can't stand travelling in the stuff!

14-01-13, 09:27
Well done, hope you have an easy day, and take it easy when you get home with a nice cup of tea. No snow here either, but there is still hope :)