View Full Version : Echo results - My Heart. Scared

13-01-13, 20:17
Hi all,

Well I got the results from my Echo.

It says that the left ventricle part of my heart is on the upper limits of normal - infact the limit is 9cm and mine IS 9!!! All the other measurements for the left part are ALL on the very last number for the UPPER limits of normal. Apparently, pumping function etc is all normal. Most of the other measurements etc are 'normal' or 'mild' but am so freaked out. Why is it suddenly like that??

Before Feb 2012, my heart wasnt even noted on any chest xrays etc. and then suddenly since then it has always said 'upper limits of normal..'! The only thing that was different or changed since then was I started pregabalin. Ive stopped it completely now even though my Dr doesnt think it is the pregabalin (probably because he started me on it!). I have had a lot of stress. I almost died in August 2011 and was very ill for the 6months that followed.

My GP isnt that worried - but I am. He thinks this echo proves to me that my heart is ok>?????? How can that be when it was 'normal' enough not even to be noted on xrays and now its changed - yet hes not worried?? I have read about Sudden Adult Death Syndrome when people have had enlarged hearts without realising and dropping dead!! How am I supposed to live my life with this knowledge?

See, a bloody test that I bloody insisted on has now INCREASED my panic and HA.

Charlotte x

13-01-13, 20:27
Hi Charlotte, unless I'm missing something the echo has said your heart is normal? Yes it's at the upper end of normal but they key word is normal.

Do you have any evidence that your heart has grown in size or is it just because no-one ever mentioned it from your x-rays or it wasn't noted down? If the latter then this could be because its within the normal size range. If your heart has increased in size and you know this for a fact, then ask your doctor to explain why it has.

I know this must be scary but try and think logically about it and make sure you get a full explanation from your doctor. I've found the worst thing they can say (in an odd way) to someone with HA is its normal. It just seems to leave so much room for doubt to an anxious person.

14-01-13, 09:12
Yeah the heart was normal on all chest xrays before feb 2012, it wasnt until after then that it started saying 'upper limits of normal'.

Ive been stupid and googled. It seems my left ventricle output and resting volume is severely abnormal'. I have booked a gp appointment for 4pm today so will do my usual interrogation/crying/acting an idiot...


14-01-13, 11:05
Awww sorry you don't feel well, maybe the gp can put your mind to ease. Hope you feel better soon. :hugs:

14-01-13, 12:33
Charlotte, I sorry the news you got is not what you were hoping for. I'm still waiting for my echo but on day my doctor say they have booked it the next day they havent.

I'm hoping one way or the other it gives me the answers I need to move forward but one thing we both have to remember is that the results of the echo are seen by a cardiologist who then sends his/her report back to the doctor.
So it is seen by a heart specialist so if they say your ok all be it the high end of normal then you must be ok.

I know when I have my echo and as I have already been told slight enlargement I'm going to be feeling the same way as you and hopefully after you have seen your doctor and have had time to understand what they have said you will feel more calm and be able to give me a hard kick up the bum when I'm panicing.

Hope all goes well for you later with the doctors

14-01-13, 17:27
Charlotte. I hope your doctor has given you some good news :hugs:

I have my appointment on the 24th for my echo.

Again I hope all is well with you!!!

14-01-13, 17:51
Thanks, it was 'ok'. I was a bit taken aback really, as I have seen the report and the measurements are on the second page of the report... Now on that report it shows that aswell as my heart (on the left side) is at the absolute max of normal, it also shows measurements (something called EDV and ESV) Now mine are really high. I looked at the BHF website and it says that my amount of blood in my heart and left in my heart after I breathe out is "severely abnormal". In fact it was WAY above a typical man's heart volume - and Im a woman.

My GP didnt have these numbers or measurements. He just had the front page of the report with the summary on it. So when I started telling him that this was the only thing upsetting me at the moment, he couldnt help. He wrote down the numbers that I had, and said he would request the FULL report to be sent to him. So more waiting.

Im getting such pressure in my chest, like there's a balloon in there pushing out. What with that and my heart being slightly enlarged (yes, on upper limits of normal) Im panicky. I started asking him why it wasnt like that before feb and is now but he didnt even look back at my xrays.. so am disappointed. Usually he's so good at reassuring me.

Thankyou again and good luck!
Charlotte x

14-01-13, 18:33
Charlotte sorry about your results it sounds like you are going to have an anxious wait until you get the full picture.

Has you doctor said at all that you will be reffered to the cardiologist or if any meds are needed.

I hope at then end of this you get some good news to balance it all out.

Good Luck to you aswell

15-01-13, 06:29
Charlotte I would recommend getting another echo in 6 months or a year. If the numbers are still the same then you're stable, have less to worry about.

15-01-13, 06:59
So u think something is wrong too? Am so upset and worried x
At the bottom of the report it says 'no future recommendations or follow up' which I was upset about as I do want it rechecking. I guess in 6months to a year I will just have to ask. I just dont know who/what to trust anymore x

15-01-13, 10:47
Charlotte most probably the best people to talk to at the moment to help ease any fears is the British heart foundation, they have a helpline that is staffed by cardiac nurses and heart health advisers 0300 330 3311.


27-11-23, 07:22
Hi charlotte!

Do you have any update on this at all? I’d love to hear how you’re doing now.