View Full Version : Sinking feeling in chest

13-01-13, 21:27
Lately I've been having a sinking feeling in my chest and for the past two days it's been almost constant. it's hard for me to eat because it makes me feel sick and I'm guessing it might be depression? I'm not sure though because I don't even have anything to be depressed about. Has anyone had this feeling or can anyone relate? I've had anxiety before but never like this. Does anyone maybe know what this could be?

13-01-13, 22:30
Yes I can and I couldn't sit still or sleep with it and was diagnosed with anxiety which led to depression as I couldn't deal with the physical symptoms and like you my life at time was good although the two years previous were very stressful as fundraised to get my little boy to America.

I am now on meds and no longer have physical symptoms of anxiety although still have negative thinking patterns some days. See your gp ASAP x

13-01-13, 22:46
I have suffered depression before, the sinking feeling is exactly how I used to feel with my depression, it's so hard to explain to anyone who hasn't experienced it.
You need to see the gp and tell them.
The not eating could be either anxiety or depression or both.
Hope this helps.

14-01-13, 04:27
Thanks guys. It helps to know I'm not the only one. The odd thing is it only really happens when I think about it. When I wake up I don't have it until it crosses my mind or when I'm busy at work I don't really feel it until I get off. That's why I think it could just be anxiety because my anxiety in the past has acted the same way, I've just never felt the sinking feeling. I guess all I can really do is seek professional help.

14-01-13, 07:18
Hi there

I know a exactly how you feel, in the last couple of months my anxiety has hit with avengence! I think it is Xmas, and taking on people's problems!

I get that sinking feeling when I think about it as well, have you tried CBT to help with your thought patterns? I get mild depression after anxiety cause I feel so fed up with it, go and see your GP?

By the way what's the weather like where you are? It's snowing here!

Jackie xx

14-01-13, 19:51
The thing is, through all of my anxiety and worry, I've never once seen a doctor about it. I know that I should buy I just afraid too :/ I don't want to have to take any medicine either because I'm afraid of that as well.

Weather here has been cold and rainy and that probably doesn't help haha