View Full Version : Feeling run down, health anxiety to blame?

13-01-13, 21:28
Hi all,

This is my first post since joining the forum. Basically I've been struggling with health anxiety, on or off, for years now. But I've only just found out that 'health anxiety' is a real condition, and that other people have it! Before I just thought I was 'a worrier' and nothing could be done about it. So, it's good to know that others suffer from the same sort of worries, and I am trying to learn how to overcome it. I have started some therapy and at times I feel quite good. But every now and then I do lapse back into my old ways of worrying about every little thing with my body!

Recently I have been feeling just a little 'run down'. A couple of weeks before xmas, one Sunday evening, I went to bed and just could not sleep. I couldn't work it out, as I hadn't been especially anxious that day or up to that point. But I just lay there, all night, without sleeping at all. Ever since then, each night has become a bit of a panic, wondering if this will happen to me again. I have been talking about it, and learning a few techniques to combat it, and so far I haven't experienced anything as bad since then. If I can't sleep at first, I usually manage to drift off by 1 or 2am.

However I'm not sure if I'm getting the best quality of sleep... well, I do sleep right through to the morning but I'm finding it increasingly hard to wake up. Which never used to happen to me – I have always been a morning person, getting up easily.

Also, over the xmas period I began to think there was something wrong with my heart or breathing. I know, a classic symptom of HA! Which I have had myself, many times before, but it's still so hard to tell yourself: "stop worrying, it is most likely anxiety and nothing more". Anyway, my GP listened to my heart and breathing and said everything is fine, so as always, the symptoms with that seem to be going away. When will I learn!

But since then I still have been feeling a bit worn out. Just tired, a few headaches every now and then (quite minor ones), dry mouth, and I've been a bit constipated the last few days, despite no change in diet or routine. (By the way I am 26, eat a healthy diet, don't smoke, and exercise every day).

I know it's all classic symptoms of health anxiety, but anyway, just thought I would get some of it off my chest and on to this forum!

Thanks for reading

13-01-13, 21:33
Anxiety really does wear you out. I was just saying to my husband earlier that I wish I could just have one day of feeling fit and healthy just so I know what it feels like!

13-01-13, 23:27
It's certainly very exhausting having HA. On a bad day I feel like I have a hangover! Really worn down and groggy. Anxiety definitely does this to you, it is mentally and physically draining.

16-01-13, 08:55
Hi, thanks for the replies.

I'm trying to get a hold on the fact that everything I'm feeling is probably anxiety. At times I'm starting to feel 'normal' again (ie. how I felt a few months ago), but every now and then (a few times a day, at least) I can very quickly lapse back into old ways of worrying. So a tiny twinge at the back of my head, or in my stomach, or any kind of feeling anywhere in my body, can immediately start my mind racing with "oh god what if it's cancer?" or another disease/problem.

I do manage to keep things under control now that I have so much more knowledge of what anxiety is. So, say I'm at work, I will be able to resist a full on panic attack, and calm myself (a bit) by focusing on the fact that anxiety is causing all this, and manage to get my mind back on whatever I'm doing, and stop worrying, for the time being.

But I do want to stop it forever! My doctor has arranged for me to see a CBT therapist soon, which I hope will be able to change my negative ways of thinking.

As I mentioned in my first post, recently my GP also had a listen to my heart/breathing/chest, and took my pulse & blood pressure, and said that everything seems completely normal. But even so, recently I still can't shake this feeling that something is a little off somehow. I really can't describe it...I mean, there are virtually no symptoms. No pain in my chest, my breathing is fine. It almost feels as though my breathing is a bit wheezy, like when you have a cough, except I am not coughing at all! And I am not actually wheezing. No symptoms of a cold either. I can breathe deeply, filling my lungs, and there is no pain or discomfort. So I really can't explain what I mean! Just feeling 'not normal' is about the best I can come up with.

So, anyway, I am trying to resist going back to my GP seeing as I don't really know what I would say, and focusing on seeing the CBT therapist at some point soon, hopefully.

Thanks for any other advice

08-02-13, 21:57
my ha knocks it out of me aswell, some days I have no energy to move, and at times it seems like to much effort to even chew food.
I went today for my first cbt meeting, it was good, it was a long time coming i was waiting for 4 months to get an appointment, my therapist seemed lovely easy to talk to which is very much needed, as you tell them things that alot of ppl dont want to hear ,cause they dont understand,
Im really hopeful that the cbt is going to work for me, and I wish it was available for everybody that needs it but apparently it Isn't... :bighug1:

08-02-13, 23:29
Health Anxiety wears me out! Mine isn't constant, it comes and goes, but when it comes, it is exhausting! It isn't just the up-all-hours googling and laying awake that makes me tired, though this is certainly a big contributor, but the HA itself is totally draining. I would love to know how many more calories I burn on a HA day than a non- HA day. I am guessing the difference would be quite big.

Hope you find some peace soon xx

08-02-13, 23:34
I hate getting the dizziness and jelly legs feeling.