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View Full Version : Sinking feeling in my chest

13-01-13, 21:59
Sinking feeling in chest
Lately I've been having a sinking feeling in my chest and for the past two days it's been almost constant. it's hard for me to eat because it makes me feel sick and I'm guessing it might be depression? I'm not sure though because I don't even have anything to be depressed about. Has anyone had this feeling or can anyone relate? I've had anxiety before but never like this. Does anyone maybe know what this could be?

13-01-13, 22:30
I get a lot of chest symptoms, do to anxiety. Hope you feel better soon. :hugs:

14-01-13, 14:58
Hi I used to get those feeling frequently, sometimes they would plague me all day, do you think it could be adrenaline surges that you are experiencing.