View Full Version : throat problems,

13-01-13, 22:24
I noticed a small red spot on my tongue 3 weeks ago, i went to the doctors the next morning and he said it looked ok but anthing on the tongue should be checked out, i was worried sick as you can imagine and from that day i now feel that i can feel a lump in my throat on the right hand side, if i eat i dont notice it, but if i just swallow through the day i can feel it, i chew gum to stop myself feeling it, sometimes it feels like a jellyish lump and sometimes it feels like a fish bone or something scratchy? i went to a ent doctor and he put the camera down the back of my nose and said my throat looks normal, but he says i should have a biopsy on my tongue just to make me feel reassured about the spot on my tongue, do you think that i have attached the spot and the throat problem together and now think i have cancer? i was fine up until 3 weeks ago, i have a lot of stress at the moment as i am about to move to france and am worried that i cannot speak the language and worry about seeing the doctor over there, please help me thank you