View Full Version : panic

30-08-06, 16:03
Hi there,

Im new to the forum but as a suffere from panic attacks i would like some advice. Ive suffered with PA's for about 6 years on and off but they have not been as bad as they have been recently.

Recently i have begun to panic without warning and for no apparent reason. Even in cars, on the street which never happened before. They have been starting recently by just feeling really sick, and im so scared that its going to get worse that i just want to run away from the situation im in. ive had the usual other symptoms aswell such as dizziness etc. I just hate the fact that they happen even when im visiting friends or family, somewhere that i sohould feel relaxed!.

Has anyone else had these symptoms? and if so any advice on overcomming it? any response will be greatly appreciated.

Many thanks x

30-08-06, 16:40
Hi, Welcome to the forum and am sorry you are going through a rough time at the moment.

I think the trick is not to run away from them and let them do their job. They will not harm you, but are just so painful.

Do you know why you had the panics in the first place?

Take Care,



And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance.
~Mark Sanders and Tia Sillers

30-08-06, 16:47
Hi Catangel,

A big warm welcome to you.

Take Care


30-08-06, 16:58
Im new to all this to.Your not alone.I have been suffering for about 10 years with anxiety and panic attacks.I know exactly how your feeling.My last really bad panic attack was just over two weeks ago and Im still recovering.I have been getting the dizzy sick feelings even while walking my dogs,and then I feel a panic coming on and have to return home.walking my dogs is something I do every day,but the last couple of weeks has been a nightmare.Everywhere I have been I have had to have someone with me.Im 39 and feel like a child who has to be baby sat.
You are not alone.This site is brilliant,and has so many helpfull people on here.

Ellen XX

30-08-06, 18:16
Hi Catangel

Welcome to the forum, you will find lots of useful information on here to help you as well as meet some nice people.


30-08-06, 19:16

Welcome aboard and lovely to see you here and hope you get some great support and advice.


30-08-06, 22:22

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends.

Take care

Trac xx

'Live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwritten'

polly daydream
31-08-06, 09:27
H Catangel and welcome to the forum.

Best wishes,


Granny Primark
31-08-06, 10:40
Hi catangel,
Welcome to this site.
Ive only been suffering panic for 13 months. Like you they come on for no apparent reason and when i least expect them.
Its really so frustrating.
I know youl get loads of support and advice from this site.

Take care

31-08-06, 12:42
Hi all, thanks for the advice so far, ive found some really good topics on here, hopefully they will help. Im sure they will xx

31-08-06, 14:03
Hi Cat :D

Welcome to the site.

There are lots of nice people here who will help and suport you.



31-08-06, 14:58
Hi Cat

I had ongoing anxiety that manifested as a "phantom" heart condition and even when I was more-or-less convinced that I was healthy the PAs kept coming and I eventually went to the doc. I was prescribed dothiepin, which made me feel better from day 1. I also reduced my caffeine intake by 75% and believe that was a factor, if not a partial cause. Since then, my life has changed in that I became a "sleeper" - instead of lying awake half the night scared of dying.