View Full Version : Really scary episode-please help!

14-01-13, 10:05
I'm an anxiety veteran & am so much better these days, never suffer panic attacks now just mild anxiety at times, but this morning I experienced something that really scared me.
I woke up at 7:30am fell back to sleep & woke up at 8:10am so had to wake myself up quickly & got up after 2 minutes. Felt abit odd, couldn't put my finger on it, just kind of flat & that something wasn't right.
Bent over to put my lenses in, stood up & my vision was kind of swimmy & everything looked almost too real & intense. This panicked me slightly so my heart started racing & I was about to take the kids to school so I desperately tried to calm myself down. I walked downstairs & I just felt so spacey, disorientated & out of it, abit like being drunk. It was like when I moved my head or eyes everything seemed far away or like it moved too much. I've had vertigo before & it wasn't that. So I sat down & my heart was racing, managed to get in the car & drive the kids to school but felt terrified & all the time I felt like I was going to black out or just drop dead. I got home & started to feel more normal.
There were no other symptoms at all - no weakness, dizziness, nausea or anything. Just this unreal, out of it feeling & weird vision.
Anyone experienced similar or any idea what it could be? I've googled all the scary stuff already!
I think I may have had these kind of symptoms in the past, can't really remember but this was so intense that it really shook me up.

14-01-13, 22:57
I think I get a very similar thing to what you describe - it's like the swimmy head forces me to focus/concentrate more, like everything stops for a second and I become over-aware, if you know what I mean? I think for me, it's a sudden drop in blood pressure, and the feeling that causes then wakes up the anxiety which hits like a train!

I often feel quite odd when I get up in the mornings, particularly if I have to rush. If I'm not careful, it turns into full blown panic. I do stagger about like a drunk some mornings, and have almost fallen off the loo more than once lol!

It's worth mentioning to your doctor next time you go (unless it happens repeatedly, then you should probably get an appointment soon). It could be anxiety related, but it's best to get checked if you're really worried x

14-01-13, 23:15
It's totally normal, you just weren't fully awake, also your eyes do have to adjust to the brightness of the room and you went from lying down to getting up pretty fast which can cause your blood pressure to slightly drop causing dizziness and swimmy eyes.
I honestly get stuff like that all the time, so I just try not to get up too fast.
But if you were in a deep sleep and then woke up and got up it's totally natural to be feeling funny and even seing things.
Another thing if you had gone all night with out food or water you may have been slightly dehydrated or a bit low on sugar so that too can cause all those symptoms.
I know it's new to you but I'm pretty sure it's harmless, of course if it happens a lot or you are very worried you can always mention it to your doctor.

16-01-13, 21:26
Hi both,
thanks so much for your kind replies. I've been OK since although my anxiety has been high. I appreciate you taking the time to post, I'm hoping it was just a combination of getting up quickly & maybe some DR which made me panic & then made things worse.
Thanks again.
Seffie x

21-01-13, 10:25
that swimmy drunk feeling is so horrible..i had my 1st one last week.got up to quickly and felt the same.thought it was going to be a migraine but it wasnt,
i read up on it and seems to be connected with the anxiety.
the list seems endless dosent it..