View Full Version : Drooping eyelid "myasthenia gravis"

14-01-13, 12:42
Here we go I have been googling.

For just over 1 year or so my left eyelid has been drooping it get worse as the day progresses and also at times of stress and during hot weather and bright lights.

Anyway my doctor has told me it is age related I'm 41 but I was looking online and it says about myasthenia gravis and it gave a simple test to do with the drooping eyelid and that is to put a ice pack over it for 2mins and if after that time the eyelid is nolonger drooping it is a sign that it is myasthenia gravis.

Well after 2mins it looked like my left eye was the same as my right perfect no drooping.

So how do I approach my doctor about this they have already told me it is just age related and they are a bit feed up with me anyway.

But I phoned the myasthenia gravis helpline and they said yes it does sound like it request to see a neurologist as it could be a life threatening illness.

What the hell am I to do. They doctor will no way do it for me....

14-01-13, 12:59
I don't know who you spoke to on the help line but it doesn't sound to me like they were very helpful. From what I am aware of, it is NOT life threatening and can be treated. However you are only thinking this may be your problem when you may not have this condition. As we get older we do seem to get more 'saggy' looking eyelids. (That is why lots of people who can afford it go to get eye lift jobs done :D).

14-01-13, 13:14
I just googled this for you and it seems to suggest that it isn't that serious even if it is that condition, most people who have it lead a totally normal healthy life with the right treatment. Doesn't sound like the kind of help line you want to be talking to! I would have thought that normal age related saggy skin would also respond to an ice pack since it would dehydrate the skin so I am not sure how reliable a test that one is. I think you could afford to leave it a bit and see whether it changes at all.

14-01-13, 13:30
Hi Annie0904. Sorry I miss worded my post the lady on the phone never said it could be life threatening. That statement is taken from website that it could be life threatening if it progresses to other areas.

Sorry my slight mistake! But one thing is the helpline is not a medical helpline it is just an advice line they have given a number of a nurse in London to contact.

But the the dropping eyelid is not the only symptom I have but it is the main one that is visable. I also failed a field o vision test in the effected eye and I have a slight droop on the left side of te face and general weakness on the left side.

Sorry for the spelling using the iPhone whilst I wait to see my cpn I'm the waiting room

---------- Post added at 13:30 ---------- Previous post was at 13:25 ----------

Hi cattia. It is just starting to worry me know as I have had it for a over 12 months and it is making me feel fed up.

Because it gets worse though the day it looks like I'm drunk at times it is so bad but I have been told the age thing is a load of rubbish.

Thank for the replies folks.

Why o why did my car pick me up 1hour 15mi. To early for my appointment

Anxious lu
14-01-13, 14:08
I too googled the condition and feel you don't need to worry. Think about the conditions you believe you had in the past and this one is far from those. Easily treatable etc..

My right side of my face including eyelid and corner of mouth certainly droops below the rest.. My eye lid especially.

Can't factors such as Tired muscles and stress cause these effects anyway? And ice is used for bags and all sorts it makes things firmer and tighter.

Still Mention it to your doctor though it's their job to listen to your concearns
I do because it puts ideas in their head they may not have previously considered..

Hope you are well x

---------- Post added at 14:08 ---------- Previous post was at 14:07 ----------

Also experience any of the other symptoms? Such as numbess and weakness?

14-01-13, 15:04
Thanks Lucy, I have read what you wrote and thank you my friend!

I think I have so much going on at the moment my anxiety is blown stuff up.

Just this second got my appointment for my echocardiogram for the 24 jan. my little girls has a minor operation on the 28 jan she has to have a general for it (so that scares me).

So thanks if when my little girl has her op maybe of you are not at uni we could have a chat as I will be lost on that day.

Thanks chris

14-01-13, 17:57
Sorry to hear your little girl needs an op. Little ones cope with these things much better that we do. My daughter had an op when she was 3 and I was a wreck when she was in theatre but she had a quick recovery and only remembers the good bits like Ronald McDonald visiting her on the ward! :D

14-01-13, 18:25
Sorry to hear your little girl needs an op. Little ones cope with these things much better that we do. My daughter had an op when she was 3 and I was a wreck when she was in theatre but she had a quick recovery and only remembers the good bits like Ronald McDonald visiting her on the ward! :D

Thank you annie0904 :flowers: