View Full Version : Anyone worried about lung cancer except me?

14-01-13, 12:56

I already have a thread called ' lung symptoms' but just wondered if anyone else is or has been concerned about lung cancer?

I have has all over chest rib and back pains in random places and I coughed up what could've been a couple of spots of blood. I have also coughed up dark brown phlegm but due to being anxious I am smoking more so is it just that?

I had a chest xray and bloods last monday which were all clear but I am terrified the xray missed something. I have seen 2 GPS and spoken to 3 cancer research nurses and 3 nhs direct doctors, all saying it is unlikely to be lung cancer if nothing showed in tests.

The only thing I feel will reassure me is a ct scan but I can't get a referral as the doctors dont feel its necessary. I even asked to pay for a private one but they wont refer me. I just desperately wish J could believe the medical people.

I am starting CBT soon and possibly hypnotherapy and I am upping my depression and anxiety meds.

If anyone has any comments, please post them, unless its to say xrays are unreliable as I dont need to hear that.



Fred Speed
14-01-13, 13:22
Yes me! Over christmas I started with a tight chest and have had some pain in the sidew of my chest and in my shoulders. Havent really had a cough as such or any other symptoms.

The pain I have since realised is just a pulled muscle which I keep pulling when I take my dog for a walk and the tight chest - well that could be anything.

I have seen my GP and he has had a listen and assured me that my chest sounded nice and healthy and that the likelyhood of me getting lung cancer at my age (32) is ulmost zero. I did used to smoke but quite about 1 1/2 years ago.

I think that it is that stupid advert which has sparked it off again for me. Not really suffered with my HA for 2 years!

If you think about your symptoms you can probably rationalise them all, plus you have had the tests to confirm there is nothing there.

Just try to remember that you dont have lung cancer you have health anxiety x

14-01-13, 13:36
Thank you. Yes, some of the time I CAN be rational but then the black thoughts come and I start the downward spiral.

Fred Speed
14-01-13, 14:40
I know what you mean. I too have brilliant days where I can see that I am being absolutely ridiculous and then other days I am terrible.

Another thing that I have found which helps is to write the symptoms down and do two lists of what they could mean. One headed 'Rational Thoughts' and the other headed 'Irrational Thoughts'. Obviously LC would go under the irrational heading and you will have about 10 things under the rational heading. It really helps to see it written down x

14-01-13, 14:45
The trouble is I dont have any rational thoughts especially as they can't give me any idea what is causing it except ' muscular'. If they'd got an explanation I would feel better.

Do you think I should accept that xray and bloods would've shown something? I know you're not a medical profession but would you accept it?


14-01-13, 17:11
Hi Andrea
Firstly as you know I have serious problems accepting I am fine even when tests come back clear, but I am a smoker and I'm afraid when I have been smoking heavily I have coughed up phlegm with blood in. I had a major panic and called my mother in law and she said it's due to smoking , I also asked the GP who said to cut down on smoking and sent me for a chest x ray. I do believe that x rays are reliable when it comes to lungs especially when looking for cancer. In fact that two people I know who have had lung cancer , both were diagnosed by x ray.
I know you are struggling with this at the moment but if your GP confident you are fine, then you should take reassurance from this. I hope you are feeling better soon :hugs:

14-01-13, 18:00
Thank you almamatters. Its helping me to hear that people would accept that the xray is reliable. I just keep poking and prodding myself and finding new lumps, bumps and symptoms. Im a fool to myself, I guess we all are

14-01-13, 20:47
Another worry wart here :blush: mine differs between the 'C' word and COPD, I keep getting upper back pain and have shortness of breath. I have an ECG and bloods booked on Thurs for ectopic beats and CFS or Fibro to be honest I've been that worried about my breathing I've not had time to consider my heart!

14-01-13, 21:12
Hi all, over the years I have many episodes of health anxiety due to the worry of the damage being done whilst smoking.

I had times where I was convinced I had lung cancer and had chest x-rays done etc, every time I had worries my GP tried to convince me it was nothing but I would still worry my GP was wrong, after sometime I would get over what ever the issue was until the next time I had a chest pain and the process would start all over again.

So I eventually came to the conclusion that to stop this worry I would have to sop smoking, easier said than done I know, but I did find a compromise, I swapped normal fags for e-cigs and in turn that has greatly lowered my worries of getting lung cancer.

Anyways for now while you smoke, it's worth remembering that chest pains, discomfort etc can be caused by so many things, I was told once it was because I had been carrying my baby a lot and another time it was because my bedroom had damp, other times it was asthma, but every time it was nothing to worry about, as or blood and brown specs, from what I remember the blood was put down to coming from my nose that drips down throat and comes up when you cough, the brown specs are most likely tar from smoking.

Hope some of that helps.


14-01-13, 21:41
I know what you mean. I too have brilliant days where I can see that I am being absolutely ridiculous and then other days I am terrible.

Another thing that I have found which helps is to write the symptoms down and do two lists of what they could mean. One headed 'Rational Thoughts' and the other headed 'Irrational Thoughts'. Obviously LC would go under the irrational heading and you will have about 10 things under the rational heading. It really helps to see it written down x

This column thing, Fred, is a really good idea. Also noting things down is a very helpful way to be rational and realistic and it's a great reference for the "not so good" days.

---------- Post added at 21:41 ---------- Previous post was at 21:36 ----------

Thank you. Yes, some of the time I CAN be rational but then the black thoughts come and I start the downward spiral.
Hi Andrea. It's good that you've got some CBT lined up, my experience of it was very good. It was a real eye opener. I like it that you recognise how you get into a downward spiral. Your CBT will no doubt encompass recognising negative thought patterns. What then happens is you learn to challenge the negatives & develop more healthy & realistic ways of thinking about things.
One thing I didn't realise with CBT is that not only does it target the things that brought you to undergo treatment in the first place, but an added benefit is that you can apply the new skills in many other areas of your life too. Resultant from that I gained more confidence and the ability to take a step back & reflect on things realistically. It can then carry on benefitting you for many years to come.

14-01-13, 22:12
Thank you all so much for your comments. I've not had much pain at all today so hopefully it will get better as the week progresses. I am quite positive that the therapist Im seeing will be able to do SOMETHING to help me. Failing that I will ask the doctor about a referral to psychiatric help as the gp thinks its quite probably full blown phobia of cancer as well as HA.

I also intend to quit smoking and my surgery can also arrange support with this.

I really appreciate you all taking the time to comment. Best wishes to you all

Andrea x

15-01-13, 19:30
Barely any pain today. Went to work. Only had one panicky minute when I thought I felt faint. Seems the doctor was right, it was nothing to worry about. Looking forward to therapist Thursday and adding what he recommends.

Thanks for all your support

Andrea x

19-01-13, 23:22
Completely better now but still can't stop poking, prodding and examining the ends of my fingers. Convinced they are changing shape. Why oh why can't I just leave it alone now the lain has gone.

Going to speak to my Dr about the best kind of help. CBT or psychiatric? Hope they can advise me whats best. Dont want to pay fir private treatment if it wont help.

If anyone has any advice please share it
