View Full Version : Wow what a holiday/back to work

30-08-06, 18:16
I just wanted to share the next stage of my recovery with you guys. I never thought i would get away on holiday, let alone fly to Italy, go up two cable cars and have a snowball fight at 9000ft but i did. I also went walking around the village on my own, ate loads of ice cream. i managed to get to venice on a coach and boat and went for a gondola ride. My hubby was so pleased, and he and my daughter were really proud of the achievement. I've had a fantastic holiday, i never thought it would be possible. Thanks again to this site for lovely people and the help and encouragement you give. To those of you who are still going through the bad times, hang in there, there are still good times to be had, I never thought i would do what I did. I'm starting back to work tomorrow, after four months off, so here's to the next stage on:D.

Take care

'This too will pass'

30-08-06, 18:26
Wow! Well done you, that is amazing progress.

Glad you had such a lovely holiday as well. It is so important to have support around you.

Good luck at starting back at work, I am sure you will do fine having had such a boost from your latest achievements.

Tammy x

30-08-06, 18:28
Hi Daisybun

Just wanted to say congratulations on going on holiday and doing so well-i hope one day i can follow your example also.


polly daydream
30-08-06, 18:44
Hi Daisybun, good to hear from you, glad you had a wonderfull holiday, well done for all you have achieved whilst on holiday.

Good luck on your first day back at work,

Take care,

Polly x

30-08-06, 19:59
Hey Daisy,

Aw hun I'm so so so proud of you. What an achievement for you and I'm sure hubby and daughter are all chuffed with you hun. You are doing so well and what with going back to work wow your absolutely amazing you are. Keep up the good work Daisy your a star.

Take Care


30-08-06, 20:01

Well done on all your sucess and good luck at work tomorrow. Hope it goes well

Great news!


30-08-06, 20:17
Hi Daisybun, what a success story!

Rock On [8D]



And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance.
~Mark Sanders and Tia Sillers

30-08-06, 20:36
Thank you all, know it sounds cliched but i couldn't have got as far without the help of this site, at times when i was at my lowest there are people here, you know who you are, that helped me and supported and encouraged me, thanks everyone you are the true stars!!!

Take care

'This too will pass'

31-08-06, 19:07
Just wanted to let everyone know that i went into work today and did fine. Thanks guys!

Take care

'This too will pass'

31-08-06, 23:03
well done daisy,

what an achievment, i know how it fels to be able to go on holiday i did it last year and 3 times this year there is no stopping you now.

good luck starting work and remember one day at a time and dont take too much on at work

take care


01-09-06, 10:24
Hi Daisy,

Well Done, that's a great achievement and glad you had a lovely time too.

Heather x

01-09-06, 18:27
Thank you so much everyone, day two and I'm still OK

Take care

'This too will pass'

01-09-06, 19:12
Glad to hear work is going ok. Well done!

Tammy x

Granny Primark
02-09-06, 11:42
Hi Daisy,
So pleased you had a brilliant holiday.
Well done! You really do seem to be making loads of progress.
I am so pleased for you Daisy for all the success you keep achieving. You really do seem to be going from strength to stregnth and its an inspiration to read of your success.

Take care

03-09-06, 22:48
Well done Daisy

So very pleased to hear your news

Well done

Take care



Many People Will Walk
In & Out Of Your Life
But Only True Friends
Will Leave Footprints
In Your Heart

03-09-06, 23:54
Well done Daisy. Sounds like you had a fab holiday. The first of many I hope.

Excellent news that the return to work went so well.


I love you in place where there's no space or time
I love you for in my life you are a friend of mine
And when my life is over remember when we were together
We were alone and I was singing this song for you

~The Carpenters~

05-09-06, 09:34
well done daisy bun!!! xx

05-09-06, 15:57
Hi Daisy,

All I can say is WOW! I'm so so happy that you were able to go on holiday and have a good time and look at all you were able to do while there, great job. Plus you have gone back to work, so many achievements. I truly am happy for you and you are blessed in so many ways, but you know that already where it really counts. Good luck with the work.


"Our thoughts are our reality"

05-09-06, 23:23
A big thanks for all your kind words. I had my first day with stidents in today and i survived - I am very tired but i did it! My daughter also started senior school today, big changes but i am so pleased to be able to do things again.:D

Take care

'This too will pass'

06-09-06, 11:31
hi daisybun so pleased you had a lovely holiday and that you didn,t let your anxiety win!!well done and good luck on your returning to work!
take care rachel x