View Full Version : Choking sensations

30-08-06, 18:17
Hey all
Anyone else have these and if so, how do you get through them - especially in public?

31-08-06, 21:17
Hi Susie

I don't exactly get choking symptoms, but sometimes my throat and tongue are uncomfortable and I want to cough. But I feel that if I do I wouldn't be able to stop. At home I try to sip water, and this helps. Maybe I am using the muscles in a different way which relaxes them a bit, I don't know.

Could you take a bottle of water with you. Lots of people do when its warm anyway so it wouldn't draw any attention. If you feel really bad it could be the fact that you are in public.... going somewhere quiet for a minute or two til you feel better could help.


01-09-06, 15:41
Your choking symptoms can either be:

1)panic, anxiety..... emotional stuff. This happens to me sometimes. I don't actually feel like choking but my sensation is more like when I try to inhale my throat feels like a funnel and not all the air is getting in my lungs, like wheezing.

2)infection in your epiglottis a.k.a epiglottitis.... this can be serious because it can completely block your airway. Highly recommend to have an ENT check it out ASAP. Normally when you have it you ususally have fevers with it. Don't worry epiglottitis is curable! :)

3)the most complex.... it can be a brain problem. Since the muscles of the throat are involuntary muscles these don't need direct order or for you to be concious to work. It's like other involuntary muscles like the heart, lungs and digestive system. But if you experience that then you probably would be experiencing typical problems associated with brain problems like balance control and motor function so it's a highly unlikely case. For brain concers consult your neurologist.

01-09-06, 21:12
i get this sometimes, it feels like hands around my throat, i think its- well i know its all in the mind, great innit?
funny but this one doesnt bother me much

we are all stronger people after having this

03-09-06, 00:36
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">Hey all
Anyone else have these and if so, how do you get through them - especially in public?

<div align="right">Originally posted by susie70 - 30 August 2006 : 19:17:55</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

Hi Susie hope your keepin well, I suffered with choking sensations for a long time, and especialy the feeling like i was going to swallow my tongue,,, yep even worse in public!,,,, how i cope with it,,, was my chewing either gum or sucking on sweetsl,,, that promoted the production of saliva, and stoped me having the "Sticking" feeling in my throat,, and i couldnt concentrate on suckin the sweet, or chewing some gum,,,, when iwas alone i used to do some facial exercise,,, like ( sounds funny) but i used to stick out my tonge,,, and go "Arrrgh",,, that would help me to feel that my tongue was relaxing,,, hope this helps

