View Full Version : I quit therapy because it made me anxious... ironic much?

14-01-13, 18:11
So I went to a few sessions last year with a new counsellor, as I moved city, and it went ok, I didn't feel a 'connection' with her but she seemed to ask all the right questions and it brought up a lot of memories I didn't like.

I nearly cried for the first time in years of counselling and it made me really scared, generally I just didn't like talking about the things that I have been ignoring for years... so I would panic from the time of the last session to the next wondering what she was going to say and what she was going to ask me to do and explain, so I have sort of just stopped, nearly 2 months now...

Has anyone else been through this? Should I just get on with it and keep going? maybe make the time in between shorter? or should I look for someone else because it might be the 'connection' that is making me anxious and not want to tell her anything....?

14-01-13, 18:51
Hello hun :)

I'm so sorry that you found the therapy a bit much.

It is true that it's more beneficial if you can kind of "click" with the therapist :)

Hun psychotherapy can, at times, be very painful and emotional and it does kind of make you address things that you have been keeping well and truly tucked away, but that is the nature of the therapy :)

I had psychotherapy for 4 years and I know that I was just like you are at times, I would be so upset after some of the sessions and, quite a few times I even told my therapist that I was giving up with it because I was finding it too painful, but I stuck at it and I'm just so glad that I did because I learned so much and was able to change so much of myself which has led me to be able to lead a much happier and healthier life :)

Hun crying is nothing to be scared of, it's your body's was of releasing all of those feelings :) I had one session with my therapist where I literally cried throughout the entire hour, your therapist will be very used to that and would probably encourage you to do just that as it's very healthy :)

I would go again and have a chat with your therapist and let her know that you're finding it really hard so that she can help and guide you more, she wont know unless you tell her, so you really should give her the chance to help you :) Hopefully that will help, but if you still find that you can't "click" with her, then perhaps have a look for someone else :) :hugs:

15-01-13, 13:38
thank you, thats really reassuring, I will have a serious think about whether I have a problem with her specifically or if its just all wrapped up around not wanting to talk about upsetting things.

I'm not a fan of crying around people but maybe I'll have to get over that then!

Thanks :)