View Full Version : Work!!!

14-01-13, 18:41
Today at work we made 15,000 gel air freshness.
Part of the job involves standing by a freezer blowing out 15mph freezing cold winds out you for 3 hours.
I have to do it and 4 other people because no one else can do it in the place and we are stuck with the strenuous job day in day out .
At the end of the day we can't move because it goes so bloody fast you don't stop all day long and it hurts big time!
We also breathe in the air freshener all day long and my clothes reek from miles off after work!!
It's not fair just because I can do it I should have to do it every damn day of the week!! And the other people I work with.
Of anyone else gets put on it they don't show up for work and we end up doing it and also the manager won't put anyone else on it because we have to run thr liquid out and he needs people who can keep up .
I am worried ill develop lung cancer from breathing in the chemicals I have raised this with them and they told me that they do tests and that people have worked on their for over 30 years and do not have lung cancer.
I'm also worried about developing an illness from the cold it's horrendous
I am so close to quitting my job but I know I won't do that.
To top it all off I came home watched the weather with mum and she said oh they didn't mention about tomoz afternoon and I said politely yes they did and she slapped me one and told me not to answer back! I won't ever get better living with her ever. No one noes about my anxiety no one cares and when I last mentioned over a year ago I was told u don't have a real problem ur bro does because he sees and hears and things.
Feel so angry at the moment :mad:

14-01-13, 20:18
That doesn't sound like a good situation at all. I doubt if the air freshener will do you any damage but the job sounds uncomfortable and unpleasant. I understand that you can't quit your job but maybe you found start looking for a new one. As for living with your mum that really doesn't sound ideal either. Is there any way you could move out, maybe into a shared house with friends if you can't afford to live alone?

15-01-13, 18:23
Today was horrndous 7. Hours freezing cold had purpleish lips . The other people couldn't do it properly so I spent all day on it not happy. I found s out it blows in cold air from outside so it's fresh air so that's why it's colder than usual at moment because it is colder!

---------- Post added at 17:40 ---------- Previous post was at 17:37 ----------

I could feel snot running down my throat all day. Told boss he did say sorry but can't find none else good enough

---------- Post added at 17:44 ---------- Previous post was at 17:40 ----------

Also waiting for a friend to find the money to move out x

---------- Post added at 18:23 ---------- Previous post was at 17:44 ----------

Can't wait till summer everyone sweating when I'm by the tunnel freezer then I can be the one laughing!

16-01-13, 20:46
Made to do it for eight hour today even though complained I'm scared as the snot was constantly running down my throat all the time and worried it'll get blocked. I didn't even have time to sneeze let alone blow nose every two seconds and I ache everywhere and no one else except me and one other who does it with me can do it not even people who've been their years! I'm scared ill chock from the snot

---------- Post added at 17:36 ---------- Previous post was at 17:36 ----------

Told manager he said nothing can be done as everyone else is crap

---------- Post added at 20:40 ---------- Previous post was at 17:36 ----------

Still can feel all the snot in throat will it stop me breathing all day all I felt was snot runnin down throat it was vile

---------- Post added at 20:46 ---------- Previous post was at 20:40 ----------

However many times I try to swallow its all still their

21-01-13, 19:09
We lost th job today for this line ...
The temp staff who has three weeks left got laid off today and we are still overstuffed now terrified ill me made redundant as I'm a packer not a line leader!!'..... And I'm new in and not as much on the mangements side and I know I'd be first option out the door
Then how will I pay for my holiday to NYC !