View Full Version : Health anxiety new to NMP

14-01-13, 22:50
Hi there I've had health anxiety for about 10 years now tried to deal with it myself but haven't done that well am now waiting to see a CBT therapist and hope this will help, this year has been pretty full on with my HA I've been quite unwell thinking a lump in my breast was the worse case scenario infact it was a cyst then thought had a lump in my stomach turns out I was constipated and now am suffering with indigestion badly burping most of the day for about 2 months and suffering with asthma like symptoms too after a chest infection back in sept so as you can see I've had plenty to be getting on with and have come on here I suppose to seek reassurance from people who may have experienced the same symptoms and have found them out to be due to the terrible anxiety I put myself through any feedback would be really helpful thanks

14-01-13, 23:00
Welcome to the site. I hope you find as much help as I have. I wish you all the best.


14-01-13, 23:02
Hi Fooman

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

15-01-13, 00:01
Hello and welcome to the forum. Hope you enjoy your stay here.

15-01-13, 01:59
I could write a book on all the things I have worried about having HA. You are not alone, and you are at a really great place to get advice, read some post you will feel better knowing there are many of us here. Hope you feel better. :hugs:

15-01-13, 09:20
Thanks guys can anyone help with the burping issue I've been pretty anxious over passed few months so trying to think its that just burp after eating and drinking anything at mo! Been going on for a couple of months now have suffered with IBS In the past but at the moment apart from constipation i have no other symptoms ... Need some reassurance thanks

15-01-13, 15:41
Welcome! I'm a fellow newbie, also with health anxiety and others. We can overcome!!

15-01-13, 20:31
It's just nice knowing your not alone with this some people find it difficult to understand

15-01-13, 22:39

I've had IBS too, 20 tears ago, but still get the odd mild flare-up.

As for the burping issue, I get it quite often, I think maybe you're looking too deeply into it and monitoring it too closely (as we do with HA).

I got chest pains too, my Doc gave me medication to reduce stomach acid but I haven't taken any yet as the problem eased after seeing the GP (as is often the way).

My point being, if you pay less attention to it you might find it goes away of it's own accord.

15-01-13, 22:47
Thanks Mark13 I know by focusing on things it makes things worse its tricky not to though

15-01-13, 22:49
Of course, Fooman, it's easier said than done, this is health anxiety after all - something I've fortunately recovered from (for now) - just got the GAD to deal with now.

You know you're getting better when you consult Dr Google and choose the least scary option :winks:

16-01-13, 07:33
Hello fooman...
I have a burping issue... Always find myself also wanting to make myself burp... Which causes more acid, my gp had given me gaviscon to try reduce this!! From doing this I also get a very tight chest which feels like asthma symptoms!!


16-01-13, 08:33
Glad you seem to be over your HA Mark13 and hope you do the same with your GAD
And SpiceW it's reassuring that these symptoms are similar to another HA sufferer how long have you had your burping issue?

16-01-13, 12:27
I started straight after I got anxiety... I also have a habit cough... As I constantly think something is in my throat!! The more I try make myself burp the more wind I get in and the worse I feel xx

16-01-13, 15:48
You sound like you have similar to me I keep coughing feeling like theres something in the back of my throat and a feeling of asthma xx

21-01-13, 13:13
Anyone else experiencing constant burping after everything they eat or drink would be good to know might settle my mind a bit x

21-01-13, 19:22

I know it's a long wait to get cbt but it will help you as they did help me a lot by correcting a lot of bad thinking. And making me realise the connections between action and consequences. And helped me to recognise the stormy clouds approaching so I could take shelter to protect myself and others. Sorry for the long winded description but it seemed to describe what I'm thinking. Anyway hopefully you will find an acencedote (sic) that will help you. Spell check isn't that good. Lol.

21-01-13, 21:09
Welcome to the site. I hope you find as much help as I have. Some great people here we will get thought it mate.

21-01-13, 21:54
Thanks guys it's good to know there's people here who understand x