View Full Version : I felt an X-ray ?

15-01-13, 08:06
Today I had to get an X-ray of my Jaw/teeth.. The one that spins around your head.

and I'm convinced I felt it, I felt my brain tingle or something.. The tech said it was impossible.

Now I'm scared It triggered something off in my head, this even sounds ridiculous writing this out.. But I'd like to know if anyone has felt an X-ray before or if it's truly in my head ??

15-01-13, 21:57
Can't say for sure. But I had an x-ray on my knee about 1 month ago, And for one of the screens I had to hold up the plate towards the projector. And I am fairly certain that I felt a wavelike pressure coming back and forth against the plate, at which point I also felt a tingling sensation/pressure in my knee. I am still not sure if I truly felt it or if my mind just created the feeling due the circumstances.

15-01-13, 22:46
I've had dental x-rays, full body x-rays and several CT scans.

My opinion, for what it's worth, the tech is right, it's impossible. What you're feeling is psychosomatic. Both of you :)

16-01-13, 07:06
If you felt something may be nothing or maybe you felt the magnetic wave.
Magnets are totally harmless.
It cant trigger anything off, dental x rays use much less radiation than your typical chest x ray.

16-01-13, 23:09
I had a jaw x-ray this summer (was yours for TMJD? Mines was) and I fainted because of it! I have only fainted twice in my life, once because of pain for an injured thumb and one because of a jaw x-ray. I know what you mean about the whizzy feeling - I actually just think it is the sound moving around you that makes it feel as though you can feel it. I totally freaked out after mines and they had to redo it (awful) as I fell to the ground whilst standing.
So no, I don't think you actually felt it, but I definitely think it feels as though you can feel it if that makes sense?

18-01-13, 02:09
Well interestingly I've had two jaw x-rays.. The first was for TMJ, and I felt nothing that time around. The second a few months later for another check up of suspected Gland stones.. and the second time I nearly passed out from the weird sensation aswell haha.
I do understand now, my mind probably tricked me.. which is amazing what our minds are capable of.. It felt like a vice tightening around my skull with a tingly sensation lol.. I'm not looking forward to any future X-rays now!