View Full Version : so worried about my son, white pupil in photo

15-01-13, 12:09
I was taking photos of my 6 yo son the other day and noticed that in one of thr pics his pupil in his right eye looks white. I'm starting to panic in a big way. I'm going to get an appointment at the optician for him asap but i'm terrified for him. anyone else noticed this in their kids photos?

15-01-13, 13:11
It's possible it is just a glare from the way the photo was taken, but good idea just to get him checked out. I'm sure he's ok :)

15-01-13, 14:23
I'm really hoping thats all it is. Got an appt for him at the optician today for after school. Totally terrified but need to keep calm for my little boy.

15-01-13, 14:31
Like swrgrl09 said it is possibly the glare but you are doing the right thing getting it checked. Let us know how his appointment goes. :hugs: xx

15-01-13, 14:47
I think by far the most common cause for this is just the angle, I think it's only really if it's like that in every photo that it's a concern but definitely best to get it checked. Let us know how you get on. I know how hard it is worrying about your kids. Will be thinking of you.

16-01-13, 10:33
my sons appointment went well, his eyes are healthy. He needs to wear glasses for reading and watching tv etc but thankfully everything is ok.

16-01-13, 10:40
Glad to hear everything is alright Rainbow!

16-01-13, 10:46
If he had that eye thing it would show up in every picture there was a camera flash.

16-01-13, 12:06
Really pleased to hear that he is fine xx

16-01-13, 13:12
What a relief, so so scary when you think something is wrong with your little ones.