View Full Version : My Intense Psychotherapy Appointment

15-01-13, 13:37
My main concern this morning was getting to the appointment in the snow but I managed to drive myself there. Psychologist was really lovely and I think we have already identified some of my main problems as being low self esteem, feeling worthless and feeling like when bad things happened I deserved it (when I didn't!). This has all come from a previous marriage. I feel like I am getting some where just from the first session. Wasn't happy when I got home though and had a letter to go for an ATOS medical on 1st Frbruary :(

15-01-13, 14:05
Ahh Annie , glad it all went well & you've already started off well!

A pity you had the ATOS appointment waiting for you when you got back, gosh it's soon 1st feb. did you expect it to be this soon???

15-01-13, 14:08
No I didn't. I only went on to SCP the end of December. I am hoping to start my phased return on 11th February anyway.

15-01-13, 15:10
My renewal was due at the very end of March, I had my ESA50 form at the beginning of December to be sent back by 1st January. I match 3 support group descriptors, and have medical records to prove this for the past 10 months, been hoping for a letter back from them because this time Im ready for them. The witch I saw last time was very rude and we ended up having an argument, Im hoping to see her again this time for round 2 and cannot wait for that letter to drop through my letterbox, the last time I dreaded it, she gave me 12 points, so a fail and decided I was ready to work within 3 months, which basically means get him on JSA and put him to work, but a decision maker at the DWP upped it to 18 points and said I needed to be seen again not before 29th March 2013. This time I am actually looking forward to my letter and then the appointment afterwards, hoping I do not have to wait too long.

Glad your session went well, and hope it continues to do so :yesyes:

15-01-13, 15:50
Thanks Dazza I was really pleased with how the session went and it made me realise a lot about myself. The ATOS has got me really worried now. I am hoping to be back at work in February but what is I can't do it? Honestly it is worrying about all the Occupational Health appointments, ATOS medical and sickness review meetings that are actually DELAYING my return to work!

15-01-13, 17:11
If you are mentally not ready then I think going back would make you worse longer term Annie so you need to be sure of what you can and cant do.

With regards to ATOS, is there a MIND charity anywhere near where you live? They can give great advice for people in our situation, and will often go with you if you feel you need the support. You can always cancel your appt with ATOS which will give you another couple of weeks to get ready for it before you receive a new appt, or you can request it be recorded, which is like mission impossible these days and that would delay it for a lot longer, meaning you have more chance of getting help/support with it, or even better, it will likely take you past February, which will then give you the time to see if you are ready for work again, and if you are not then youve had time to get support for the ATOS medical.

15-01-13, 17:17
Thank you for that advise. I think I will ring MIND and ask them for support. By the time my husband got home tonight I was in tears, I just feel so sick of having to 'prove' to people that I am ill. Why can't they just accept what my doctor says after all he is the one who knows me best as sees me most weeks.

15-01-13, 17:28
Thats the problem, you do have to prove it, and there is no option really to elaborate on things, its YES or NO and thats it. I filled in the form myself last time, and attended alone. That was a big mistake, this time I got help from MIND to fill the form in, and have been advised I will have a rep with me if I need to see them, which I am sure I will have to, but as I said I dont care, I am more than ready for them this time.

I have read a lot about people wanting the session recorded which is a right, and they have then had to wait months for recording equiptment to be available, hence giving you the time maybe to get a representative, or if lucky, taking you past February, so by then you will know whether or not you have gone back to work. Lets just hope they do not have recording equiptment available for you immediately.

They take no notice of what your doctor says, unless your doctor is willing to write you a letter stating what your problems are and how they relate to the descriptors, its all about the descriptors, thats all that matters, so study them carefully.

15-01-13, 17:31
Thanks Dazza. I have left a message on my local MIND answer phone so will wait for them to call back.

15-01-13, 20:49
Oh I'm so glad that your first session went well for you Annie and well done for being able to drive yourself there in the snow too :yesyes:

Please keep updating us on how it's going for you hun and seek out support if you need it :) :hugs:

15-01-13, 20:55
Oh I'm so glad that your first session went well for you Annie and well done for being able to drive yourself there in the snow too :yesyes:

Please keep updating us on how it's going for you hun and seek out support if you need it :) :hugs:

I even managed to go shopping in Sainsbury's on the way home with no anxiety. The letter from ATOS set the anxiety off though when I got home, but after watching 3 episodes of Mrs Brown's Boys I am feeling more relaxed again :D

15-01-13, 22:20
well what a day of achievements for you Annie0904 - considering everything going on for you at the moment you did so well. just to get to the appointment was something on other days you might have been unable to do, but on top of that u did the appointment and much more besides. i congratulate you for applying yourself so positively, its a credit to your resolve.
I'm so pleased you feel your Psychologist is really lovely. For me when I did therapy, feeling a bond & liking my therapist was key to my success. The reasons I went might differ from yours, but when it comes to having a bond with someone who can work closely and in tune with you is invaluable.
It makes total sense to me the things already identified, it probably came as no surprise to you either. As you will no doubt find during treatment, you most certainly were NOT deserving of being treated like that. Always remind yourself of that because it is true. It's more than evident from your caring posts to people on here that you are a very kind person. It's a sad fact of life that some people, for reasons beyond me (and probably u too) prey on those who can be sensitive and subsequently vulnerable. You are going to get better Annie... I believe in you. You're going to get stronger and all these things that have happened to you of late which have been so unfortunate, will ultimately make you stronger my friend.
Timing is everything sometimes isn't it? That letter.....how bloomin' typical it arrived today..... No wonder u Weren't happy.
Well, I have to go now.... My other half says I'm banned from going online after 10'00 & I'm pushing my luck!! Byeeeeeee xXX

15-01-13, 22:26
I'm so proud of you Ann - this post really shows in absolute, undeniable proof how far you've progressed since we started chatting all those months ago, when I think it's fair to say we were both in all sorts of turmoil. Back then I remember you couldn't get out in the car, go to the supermarket, or even consider going to an unfamiliar appointment. Now look at you! :D x

15-01-13, 23:14
Thank you Tessar and Elle- Kay for your kind words. You are right Elle-Kay, I couldn't even get to the doctors or even down stairs some days. I was just sitting in bed crying non stop and not eating. now I have upped my meds I can't stop eating biscuits!! Especially chocolate ones :D My clothes are still falling off me so I can eat more yet :D