View Full Version : Palpitations after exercise?

15-01-13, 14:36

Im experiencing some palpitations after exercise, sometimes iget it if i climb the stairs, sometimes i get it after exercise and im really worried. I have GAD and i really need your help. Please?

---------- Post added at 15:36 ---------- Previous post was at 15:31 ----------

please note im not asking to be diagnosed, i just need some reassurance. I sit and cry day in and day out, im absolutely terrified.

15-01-13, 18:23
hi, I feel my heart in my mouth after I exercise. Sometimes its a horrible thudding. I've read that you are more likely to die from not exercising than exercising... so keep it up (note to myself also! :-) )

Orange Lightning
15-01-13, 21:53
If it is of any help, I currently suffer with this too. I'm hoping more people here will back me up in saying this, but I believe that as we are so fixated on fear of getting palpitations,.we notice them more as we excercise. I also tend to notice a feeling of not getting enough air. Don't overdo it! I used to do a lot more excercise than.I do at present, but like me, you can always gradually work your way back up. Then you'll only remember that lovely, positive feeling excercise gived you!

16-01-13, 14:10
You know I was going to post the same thing, then I read your post and I thoughm, hey I can help out here, and then realises I can also help myself, you see what I have posted below is an old post I did , back in 2009, just after I saw a doc, as it explains, now the reason I went to see him , or was sent, by My Doc was to convince me I was fine, you see I was getting palps especially after excersion, so I went along, well here is what happened in 2009, and to be honest ? I went last week to see my Doc, because I am still getting them, not all the time but has been a while again, blood pressure ? PERFECT i made her repeat that !!lol, thenshe lsitened all over my chest, yep she said as I though..he waits bated breath....#perfectly normal, in fact I even heard one when I was checking you" she said and smiled, all normal, nothing to worry about, we all get them you are tuned in, anyway thats the update, here is the history and I think it might help;.
"Hi I thought I would share with you what happened yesterday. Briefly after seeing my new Doctor in a bit of a state a couple of weeks ago he said that as my last heart check was 8 years ago, for MY peace of mind he would arrange another with a Top Heart Doc. So yesterday was the day, and my heart was missing beats like a good 'un. I finally saw the Doc, 1 1/2 hours later than the appointment, he had an emergency and it didnt bother me, I got in. SAME Doc as 8 years ago, I didnt recognise him but as I sat he said " we have met before, about 8 years ago" I was shocked but also kind of pleased. After all he saw me over 8 years ago, same symptoms same reasoning to see him etc, and I AM STILL ALIVE AND KICKING. He looked at the ecg I had taken about 2 hours previous and said it was fine, I made him check my pulse, HOORAY it was missing beats, never usually happens when a Doctor feels my pulse, I held my neck and he my wrist "There " I exclaimed as it 'missed' and again I said, he looked and smiled and said " yes feels just like the 2000 I have had today" " all very normal, nothing to worry about and No one has ever died of palpitations! so we discussed what it was, Tea came up, I love Tea, My History as a Singer in a Rock band some 20 odd years ago, and all that goes with that life style, say no more!!, that has a bearing,........... stress !! That was the biggy, anxiety and stress. He also told me in his words " I have a clinic full of people with these" he did then go on to say that the vast majority were Women but didnt go on to say why, but there you are Ladies it is happening to LOADS of you. So I quizzed him, do you get these I asked he replied all the time, can they be a sign of anything? NO, he said, are they dangerous? NO again came the reply, he then talked about things that can bring them on, again STRESS was the biggy, too much caffenine drinking alcohol could bring them on but he said they cannot hurt you, then he said he was going to send me for a 24 hour ecg, a sonar heart check and the stress tess !! NO not the stress test, WHY ??? If I am fine and this is Stress why do I need tests? I asked, now worried, in plain english he is sending me so I can see in Black and White that I am Fine. He looked again at the tests from 8 years ago, I explained I was mainly worried about the stress test, why he asked, last time it was excellent, over ten minutes, I looked at your results and was more than happy they showed a STRONG heart, I wish they had told me that then because I didnt finish the test, not being too fit these days, No he said it was excelent - That word again!! hooray. So why this post, well I have it on VERY good authority these are nothing to worry about a TOP HEART DOC not only says so but also HE GETS THEM !!. Now what I have to do, and any tips or ideas are welcome is stop the instant panic, worry and of cause anxiety as soon as I feel them, and they are there today but the memory is fresh from yesterday so not too much concern, I need to make that trigger missed heart beats = panic = worry = anxiety = more adrenalin = more missed heart beats etc etc Rusty again so it doesnt fire so damn quickly. So folks, I hope some good news for other sufferers and hopefully we can share ideas as to how to make that Trigger rusty again."

So that was the second time I saw the SAME Heart Doc in 10 years, same reason for seeing him, same results, still happens BUT I got this to read and take notice of, the reason I post it ? hopefully to show 3 years later I am still here, in fact over 25 years later I am still here because I have had these now over 25 years, they come , they go, I panic, I stop panicking.almost lol, hope it helps