View Full Version : trouble eating with anxiety

30-08-06, 22:33
I have been under a lot of stress lately and it's been really hard for me to eat. I try and force things down but I feel like I'm going to throw up before and after I eat. I never do, I just do somet deep breathing. Even though I've been eating somewhat OK I've manage to drop down to 98.6lbs.. I am usually 108. I've been on zoloft for a bout a year and have been thinking maybe it's affecting my eating habits, but I'm always starving, even after I eat, and I still can't force food down. I would like a homeopathic solution if any. I know it will get better, I used to wake up each morning with panic attacks like it would be the last day of my life, the feelings would subside throughout the day. But now my anxiety is more scattered and triggered by thoughts.

31-08-06, 07:43
hello sweetie im gellting all that right now i wake feeling panicky and sick like im going to die today and this is the second time round for me i cant think of any narural remedeys but im sure someone on here will take care.

m potts

31-08-06, 10:51
hi there my name is joanne i suffer from anxiety, it only comes on me now and again now but 2yrs ago when it started i was really bad, i payed to see a nutritionist, i payed to see a homeopathic doctor, he used to be my gp aswell, he told me to take aconite they are chrystals that melt on your tongue they seem to relax me, i just order them from him, i dont take medication i dont agree with it i think it just masks the problem and they always give you other problems, i know they work for other people, all i can say is hold in there you will get better x

31-08-06, 10:51
Hey, Just want to say i totally understand what you are talking about. Im currently going through exactly the same thing. Im constantly hungry but cant eat. Im always worried about eating out as well, for example when my husband takes me out for a meal i casn hardly eat and i feel so bad about it. I dont know any herbal remedies I just try to breathe deeply and it seems to help, also sipping water hepls me to.

31-08-06, 19:27
i go through phases with anxiety were i cant touch food, i also lost a stone and a bit in weight, what i did was drink complan which is a health food drink like a milkshake with lots of vits and calories, i knew i was getting vits and stuff then, i used to worry about it all and it just made me worse

we are all stronger people after having this

31-08-06, 22:17
Been there, doing that. Having a bad time myself at the moment.

Just spent the last two days only managing drinking small glasses of strawberry water (less that a litre a day!)

Managed to eat a meal this evening. Had to force it down me. Going to try some of the remedies from this post.


"today is the tomorrow you worried about yesterday and all is well"

01-09-06, 14:16
**But now my anxiety is more scattered and triggered by thoughts. **

Great that you can recognise this now. Well done so take heed to how you talk to yourself especially those internal messages .

The eating thing is very normal . Little and often is key. Half a banana/ smoothies/ a few nuts/ hummous / guacamole/ a scrambled egg are a great start.

Forget full meals completely for now and try to eat nutritious snacks whilst you are acutely anxious to mop up all the tummy acid you are producing which will be adding to the nausea.

If you're acutely anxious 24/7 I hope you're on a Vit B complex supplement too.


proactiveness, positivity, persistence, perseverance and practice = progress