View Full Version : Fear of computer viruses/spammers

15-01-13, 18:59
Hi, bit of a strange one this i think, i can't see it listed anywhere as a fear as such but anyway...

I have a VERY bad fear of computer viruses/spammers.

Its been going on for a while, i've even had nightmares about it.

When i crashed about a month ago, i believed that spammers and hackers were watching me through cameras and trying to gain information etc.

But i am so careful on what i click on, very very careful.

About 10 minutes ago i clicked on a friends profile on bebo, was just curious as you do.
Another window popped up and all this music started playing, i freaked out and closed safari immediatly, and when i closed it i was met with a pop up window saying congratulations bla bla bla even though i had all pop up windows blocked etc.
I was shaking like a leaf, my breathing went through the roof. There was no way of getting rid of it unless i clicked OK which obviously i refused to do. sO I forced quit safari and emptied the cache, reset safari and emptied all data from all websites etc and that solved the issue.
I'm still shaking now and its really shit me up.
I'm so terrified of having my details hacked or my computer hacked etc.

Does anybody else have a fear of this?
