View Full Version : A new worry everyday

15-01-13, 22:25
Hi, so I've been to the doctors today and have felt so much better and accepted that there's nothing wrong with me - (this was regarding stomach pains and swollen lymph node). I was feeling really happy that I could start the year care free and go back to therapy for extra support and not have to go see the doctors every week. However a few hours later I started wondering why I've been feeling heavy headed, light on my feet, balance has felt odd and my right eye been hurting. This started about a week ago and I didn't bother telling the doctor about it because I put it down to anxiety and now I'm worrying about it just when I thought everything would be okay and I'm starting to worry I've got some kind of autoimmune disease like multiple sclerosis, this has really scared me. I feel so frustrated and angry that I can be happy and worry free for a few hours after a visit to the doctor and now have another load on my mind. I feel so upset and angry, why does my life have to be like this? I just want to be happy and get on with things. Is this all really extreme anxiety symptoms, am I imagining it or should I be worried? Please help someone I don't want to talk to anyone from my family about this as they saw I was looking more positive earlier. I cant believe this, it literally is one thing after the other.

---------- Post added at 22:08 ---------- Previous post was at 19:12 ----------

Has anyone got any advice?

---------- Post added at 22:25 ---------- Previous post was at 22:08 ----------

Should I see a doctor about this am trying to be rational but not sure

15-01-13, 22:26
How long have you felt like this? I try to give myself X amount of time before admitting defeat and going to the doctors :)

15-01-13, 22:29
It's all the anxiety, you know it is. And you know you know because you've been telling me exactly the same! That doesn't make it easy to dismiss the physical manifestations of that anxiety but you have to concentrate really really hard on focusing on that being the cause of your symptoms. Even if you do some very cursory reading on anxiety you'll see that your symptoms are very common during bouts of anxiety. Even if you don't feel like you're actively anxious, I bet you are. I was sitting on the sofa earlier thinking "hmm, I'm still getting twinges but I'm quite relaxed" but when I went to get up off the sofa I was as stiff as a board because I was so tense, I'm just so used to feeling that way now I hadn't noticed.

I know how desperate you feel and how much you want just to be normal. I feel exactly the same way but am so tightly in the grip of this thing, I can't imagine ever not being terrified every day. I can't give any advice on breaking out of this at the moment but your symptoms are so clearly related to your anxiety that I would point you back to the only lightbulb moment I've had in my whole sorry dealings with HA. What you have is a problem with the way you THINK about health, not a problem with your health. It's a faulty train of thought, that's all. Keep working on it and you will get there. A positive hour will turn into a positive afternoon which will turn into a positive day which will turn into a positive week...just keep focusing on being calm and remembering its a faulty thought process, not a faulty body...

15-01-13, 22:29
Omg i have just read your post and i can fully relate to you your feeling i have had anxiety now for over a yr and when it all started i was in the docs office once a week with a problem in the end tho he made me feel small by telling me to get out more. I am slowly starting to get over the anxiety now (thats what i tell myself anyway) acually i say that .. Im led in bed worrying im going to have a heart attack as my left arm is hurting lol. I dont really know what to say to be honest apart from your not on your own i know how you feel :)

15-01-13, 22:57
Thank you I think the reason I'm panicking is because these symptoms are new.

Katepower - I was at the doctors today and didn't mention it because I didn't think it was an issue, over the last month I've been really struggling so maybe that's why these new symptoms are bad. I've had them for about 1-2 weeks.

Button - Thanks, its just this time it feels different am keeping strong though!

But seriously I feel like I cant think, like my memory is bad, I feel kind of numb in my brain if that makes sense, feel kind of dizzy etc. Are these actual common symptoms of anxiety? I know I have to relax more because if they are symptoms of anxiety they just wont go away.

15-01-13, 22:59
I feel dizzy all the time and like im walking around in a dream world, kind of detached i suppose. Apparently it is anxiety :)

15-01-13, 23:15
They are common symptoms of anxiety as is that all too common sensation of "this time feels different". We wouldn't feel so scared if it didn't. I promise that the less time you give to this, very gradually the less it will bother you. I know that's easier said that done and I feel very hypocritical in saying it but I know it's true ( even if I can't quite do it myself yet! )

15-01-13, 23:29
Haha I know what you mean I also feel hypocritical when I'm trying to help someone else out. I know what you're saying and I think I need to start trusting other people and their perspectives on the situation. Need to be more positive otherwise the symptoms wont go. How are you? Do you feel better after last night?

15-01-13, 23:51
Well don't be too hard on yourself. If it was that easy to do, none of us would be on here!

I don't know if this makes sense but I don't know how I feel? I swing between fear and acceptance and fear and acceptance and sometimes I feel numb. My chest is tight and I'm knackered because my beautiful baby boy is being a right little nightmare at the moment(!) plus I'm not sleeping well anyway so I feel a bit out of it. Then that makes me panic because I wonder if I feel out of it and tired because I'm bleeding somewhere...and so it goes on.

I'm not having a panic attack tonight though. I'm focusing on the fact that my stools are black because of the iron tablets. I'm anaemic because I lost alot of blood when I have birth, I have had a terrible diet and my periods have been heavy, the twinges in my stomach are because of my anxiety and my IBS. How's that for rational?

What I'm not focusing on is that every time I close my eyes I have flashes of images that terrify me like blood in the toilet and stressing that I've had blood in my stool that I haven't noticed before. It's a battle...

16-01-13, 00:59
Where are you bleeding? I know how you feel, being tired makes everything so much worse because you're more irritable and get stressed more easily. But that's so good to hear that your feeling a bit better and you sound better too! I know what you mean flashing images are terrifying I have them of myself in hospital with my family sat around me (how depressing) but you just need to remember that they're just vivid thoughts and they're not real and cant hurt you.

16-01-13, 13:23
I'm not bleeding anywhere that I know of?!? It doesn't stop me worrying though : ( hope you're ok today x

16-01-13, 18:49
Oh sorry thought you said you were bleeding x

16-01-13, 19:09
Ah no, my new worry is internal bleeding. I'm convinced that its the reason for my anemia : (

16-01-13, 19:17
Oh noo if you internal bleeding you would know about it hun, you would be in agonising pain and be passing out etc. You'd be in hospital by now

16-01-13, 19:50
As if I'm not worried about so much else I'm trying to find new stuff! Crazy ..literally!

16-01-13, 20:30
I know exactly what you mean. We just need to tell ourselves its all in our heads and that these thoughts aren't real.

16-01-13, 20:50
We're just trading the same advice! If only we were as good at taking it as we were giving it... For all I've said to you today, I've been on a real downer...was meant to go to a fitness class tonight but didn't, I'm just under my duvet worrying about going to the loo and how I'm going to sleep...

16-01-13, 20:58
You should go! Apparently excercise is key to a healthy mind. Or you could try something fun like pilates or zumba? Haha I know we're hopeless!

---------- Post added at 20:58 ---------- Previous post was at 20:55 ----------

You can help yourself if you really try. I find that reading about anxiety actually makes me feel better as I'm re educating myself of what this awful condition is actually capable of, writing things down helps too. But the fact you're scared to go to the toilet is awful, would you feel better if there wasn't any blood?

16-01-13, 21:20
I've got an appointment with my personal trainer tomorrow which I'm definitely going to keep- I love exercise (and definitely need it after I had the world's biggest baby...) but when I'm going through a bout of HA I can't bear to do anything with my body in case it makes me aware of symptoms.

I think I'm going to re-read Overcoming Health Anxiety again to see if it helps...

I haven't had any blood since Friday morning. In some ways I'm happy about that obviously and I'm thinking that the cut has healed and I won't see any more blood and this whole horrible mess will be over. But the fear is that it will come back and I'll have to go through tests and find out that I have cancer and I can't bear it that thought.

16-01-13, 21:52
That's good but exercise will do you good in the long run! Keeping fit is key!

Yes you should as I know most of the time we forget we've got this problem and believe in the symptom.

That's really good but don't let it stop you going to the toilet, because if you need to go - you need to go! If you do see a bit of blood then dont presume the worst please, the cut may not have healed. So hang on, have you had tests to rule out cancer? Because if you had then you're FINE :)

I know what you mean though because of my over reaction to general IBS symptoms and worrying about ovarian cancer etc.. It is silly thinking about it but the thoughts are so real we wonder whether it's real or not.

I usually just think of how common the illness is and if its rare it makes me feel better too and cancer is more likely to happen in old people, we only ever hear of young people with cancer on the internet/tv etc. Its because it rarely happens.

16-01-13, 22:01
I know- normally I fight against my HA enough that I can do my fitness stuff- I made it to Pilates last night.

I had blood tests which were clear apart from low iron. My doctor won't send me for any more as she thinks I'm fine and that giving me more tests will just fuel my HA. I don't know how to believe her.

When it comes to an illness being rare, I still think it has to happen to someone so why not me : (