View Full Version : Pulled stomach muscle?

15-01-13, 19:46
I'm not the fittest person and i'm overweight, so I bought myself a Wii Fit.

I went on it yesterday and did some of the Yoga that works your ab muscles (Not that I have abs:whistles:) It was only a few minute exercise, when you lay on the floor (on your back) then lift your legs and arms up at the same time.

Today I bent down and the right side on my stomach hurts, and it hurts whenever I move or laugh.

Does this sound like a pulled muscle or something more sinister?

15-01-13, 19:50
Its just because you've been working your muscles, I got that after doing 10 sit ups. It will go in a few days.

15-01-13, 20:56
That's reassuring, thank you x